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Mares Nemo Display "CAL"

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Feb 1, 2006
I just got my Mare Nemo Stainless Computer. After playing around with it for a few minutes it powered down and displayed "CAL" for about 2 minutes. I looked in the manual but found nothing about this. Does anyone know what this means? Also, is the backlight kinda weak on these computers?
Thanks. D.
This doesn't sound right. If it hasn't corrected itself I would take it back to the point of purchase, it should be under warranty. Depending on which model you purchased will dictate how the backlight contrasts with the led display. On the Stainless version the background illuminates quite brightly against black numbers and is has a very clear definition. Titanium model, when using backlight the numbers illuminate against the dark background. IMO not as bright as the stainless but plenty bright enough to see clearly. Note it must either be quite dark outside or you definitely must cup your hand around the watch to create a darker enviornment to see the backlight feature.

Good luck. I love mine. I use all the time for freediving / Scuba as well. Perfect and no problems.

Zachary O'Hara
District Sales Manager
Mares / Sporasub
Don't know this computer but maybe CAL is for Calibration, better contact the company/dealer.
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