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Mares Snub Nose Competition Line Spear gun

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Thank you for all you help
Here are some pics from my trip.

I made my shaft loader with some pvc T, that I found on my local shop, and they work great, I just drill a little hole on the side to put my home made lanyard and they are really nice working shaft loaders.

Thank you for the advice.

I just notice that the mares shaft is not for salty water only fresh water because after a couple days of use the salty water was really corrosive, that was really bad because they do not sell the mares spare shaft in Mexico so I have to pay some one to make me other stainless steel shaft, but was cheap $20.00 dollars and the shaft was identical.

I let my cousin borrow my spear gun, big mistake, he lost the spring and the ring, but after I while I found some spare from a JBL gun and I use them.

This was a big adventure for me and I really like it, next time I going to HUATULCO OAXACA MEXICO is really beautiful, I will recommend to all of you out there.

Thank you and Happy Holidays !!!!


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Rather than mess with the shock line, I found a plastic coiled line in a dive shop that works much better for the snubnose gun than the shock line. The range of the snubnose is better suited to hunting fish like Lincod and Rockfish when inside kelp forests since the range is 6 to 9 feet. The coiled line is much quicker to use because it returns to length without needing to manually coil after each shot. I've included a picture of my gun, which I purchased in 1994 and I just had the seals replaced 2 years ago. Most of the 13mm shafts required an adapter to fit the tips available here which I think are 1/2 inch.


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