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mask for deep-diving please add your data

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007

I was thinking about buying a new mask for deepdiving. Inspired from other threads I think a highly compressible mask is better than a low volume mask.

Example: If I can take the mask to 30m without equalisation it compresses to ¼ . (1 bar to 4 bar)
This means if I want to dive to 70m (8 bar) you have to equalise the mask at 10m and than no more! (2 bar to 8 bar).

Do you see any mistake there?

If this is right you can save all the air (mouthfill) for equalisation of the ears. This would even be better than a pipemask.

Now I would like to now, which mask is the most compressable one.
Please tell me, which mask you have and how deep you can take it without equalising it.

Has anybody ever tried to make it more flexible. I think „breaking“ the rim above the nose so the lenses could move independantly could help a lot.

I'm not a deep diver by a long shot but I find My soft mask is good for quite a way without equalising but when it gets to the stage it must be equalised it is then impossible to equalise due to My nose being shrink wrapped. attempts to forcefully equalise it usually result in blowing the mask off my face or veins coming up in places I never knew I had veins.

so if Your calculations are off and you need to equalise the mask again at depth... you would be screwed.

I think for what You need is a soft compressible mask with a hard nose piece that keeps a little pocket of air around the nostrils.
I took a Sphera to 40m without equalizing it. I took a scubapro freedom to 25m and a Cressi Bigeye to about 20-23m. The falco was good for only 11m.

thanks so far for the infos.
Quite a difference between the masks!!!
It seems, that the sphera is the most compressible one. Unfortunately it doens`t fit my face.:head

Lets wait if others will have more data.

regards, marc
Contrary to what Eric says, i've had two mask squeezes with a Sphera down to 42m and i've seen another guy get one with a Sphera at roughly the same depth. perhaps face shape comes into it somewhat in how far you can take it without equalising. I still think they're a supurb mask though and it's the only type I use for depth.

There seems to be one problem I see with the line of thought that volume is less important than compressibility:

If the mask has a big volume, but is highly compressible and You want to equalize it when it's fully compressed, You will also need lots of air to re-inflate it. So the amount of air You actually save is questionable.

Ergo: Even if You're looking for a highly compressible mask, You will still want relatively low volume.

P.S.: I love my sphera and the vision thing seems to be a topic for some people while others don't have a problem with it. It wants to be taken care of well, though, because the plastic lenses get scratched easily. - Annelie pompe goes down to 80+m with a sphera. I think the mask is not what's keeping us from going deeper.
I think it makes more sense to learn to do dive well with not the spiffiest of gear and let the gear add its bonus when - and only when - it's actually the gear that becomes a hindrance.
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Reactions: Bill
Hi Sanso,

You are right, I want a higly compressible mask with a low volume!

The compressibility is for me not only an advantage for the maximum depth.
It is for me more an advantage in an other way.
I am quite a beginner in deep diving i have to say first.
I have to equalize my ears very early and very often. If I dont do this, I they start hurting and I cant manage to equalise them. So I am really focused on equalizing the ears early and often. And I think about starting the dive with a noseclip so I can equalise early in the beginning when I use my arms for the duckdive.

Now I want to have a mask that I dont have to equalise the first time at 5 meters or otherwise risking a masksquize. It would be easier if I just have to equalise it the first time at 20 meters, so i could focus on my ears on the first part of my dive. This doesnt mean I dont want to equalise the mask early or at all. I just dont want to get hurt if I "forget" it.
The Sphera seems to be the best, but it doesnt fit my nose, because the "bridge-rim" between the eyes is to deep. so i am looking for an alternative....

I've found that the mask choice for some of us is limited. While it won't match the Sphera in compressibility the Beuchat mask is a great compromise for field of view, comfort and low volume. It's mostly technique anyway. Even with standard sized lungs, last Sunday I dove to 64 meters with no mask or ear squeeze.
Have you tried slowing down and clearing before you leave the surface. If I kick hard or don't stop kicking at 35 meters, the ears get behind and it is impossible to catch up even with stopping.
Hey Marc,

... It is for me more an advantage in an other way.
I have to equalize my ears very early and very often. If I dont do this, I they start hurting and I cant manage to equalise them. So I am really focused on equalizing the ears early and often.
That is normal for all (well, most :t ) of us. Equalising when freediving is different to SCUBA dving.

And I think about starting the dive with a noseclip so I can equalise early in the beginning when I use my arms for the duckdive.
A noseclip and a non-liquid filled mask is a pretty sure recipe for a mask squeeze. Get rid of the clip for now. You can play with that once You have mastered equalisation. Try a first equalisation before You duck. That should get You over the first meter or two.

That approach will be easier at the start, but will get You in trouble later on. Equalizing all Your airspaces is a skill that You will need anyway, so You better get used to it now instead of working around in this quite dubious way.

Equalising all Your airspaces in one 'blow' is easy. When You equalize, just release Your nose a bit before You release the pressure, that way, Your mask will be equalized. This is something that You will do automatically in no time. You won't forget it. And, btw, one can feel a mask squeeze coming long before it hits, so You can just listen to what Your body (Your face in this case) tells You.
I would not rely too much on the depths to which individual people are able to dive with a mask "without equalizing". The values are basically wrong, because you always do equalize the mask either fully or to some extent even if you are not doing it intentionally. If you equalize your ears, in the moment you release the nose, the air of higher pressure from your sinuses will flow into the mask, equalizing it partially or fully (depending on its volume, and depending whether you keep the soft palate in neutral position or not). Well, unless you use a nose clip with the mask, in which case you'll get a mask squeeze pretty soon.
Hi Trux,

you are right. And I dont rely to much on the depth of other people. I just wanted to find out, how compressible masks are and I didnt see an other way.
The noseclip I just wanted to use the first meters, when I need the arms for duckdiving. then I wanted to put it of and use my fingers again.

Anyway, I ordered the technisub micromask/marina in my local diveshop. If it will fit my face, I will by it.
The Problem where I live is, no diveshop has a variety of apnea/spearfishing masks. not even the famous omer alien. So there is no chance to compare the masks and try them on :-( ... So you just can order one
