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Mask too tight?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
I have an OLD omer abyss mirrored mask that hurts my nose after I wear it.It must put pressure on the bottom part of my nose/nostril area because the next day after diving my nose is REALLY sore and I look like a cokehead rubbing my nose all the time in class.Has anyone ever had this problem?
Hey tuffstuff,

You might want to play around with how high on the back of Your head You wear the mask strap. My mask sometimes sits uncomfortably (riding on the nose) when I put on the strap too low towards the neck. - I hope this will do the trick for You, otherwise You'll have another criterium to look for when You get Your next mask. :)

Hmm, not sure if the mask could hurt your nose in such way. Isn't it rather the contact with water that irritates the nose? Or maybe you do not equalize the mask (not letting the soft palate in neutral position), hence the undepressure in it damages some tissue in your nose. If you are sure it it comes from the mechanical contact of the mask, why not trying another one?
no im not sure it comes from mechanical contact...so I don't know what to do all I know is it hurts and its covered by the mask so I thought that might be it.It doesnt happen on short dives like 1-2hours more like full days like 8-9 hours
I've had the same problem with my abyss on long days in the water. I think its just due to the size of the mask. I agree that you should adjust the strap. Also have you tried loosening the mask? I loosen mine as far as it will go without leaking and this seems to help.
I had this trouble with a mask that was (I think) simply too small, at least in the vertical direction. It sealed to my face fine, but just rode up too high on my lip, thereby contacting my nose and really making it sore after an hour or two. I never noticed when I just used it for short periods, but when I actually stated seriously snorkeling I had to get a new mask.
ive had this same problem with the omer alien mask. It only happens on days that i have been in the water for over 6 hours. It just seems like it is a reaction to the constant up and down up and down equalize equalize equalize . Maybe its a case of just pure irritation ?
anyone notice these masks are made by the same company lol? Alien and abyss..maybe they make them too small or something?I have tried loosening the mask also but it only helps a little.
it happens to me too after 3 hours of diving+...
i feel that my mask sucks on my nose after long hours of diving and of course it causes pain to it.
lower the mask towards your mouth (few cms) and pull the strap upwards to the top side of your head.
this will give u a slight relief.

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