I just thought I'd share my my experiment with you all to get your opinions.
Up until 3 months ago all my pool sessions be they statics or dynamics I've been wearing swim goggles and a nose clip. I found this to be an ok setup provided I can get the goggles to seal and not flood.
Then I was offered a Cressi Minima mask at a reasonable price
https://www.flfreedivers.com/store/images/Cressi Minima Mask.jpg
so I bought it, and have been using it for a couple of months.
The mask is comfortable, doesn't flood as easily as my goggles. And I don't have an anoying nose clip to worry about. And here's the but...
But I've found that when attempting a max distance Dynamic I seem to feel more un-comfortable and get contractions etc much earlier then I do while using my goggles.
I've tried repeated back to back experiments using either setup to see if I can notice a difference and I believe I do.
I understand what the Mamalian Dive Reflex is and that we have nerve endings in our cheeks that are exposed while wearing goggles etc. but I'm more interested in if anyone else has had similar experience???
Or is all this just in my head
Up until 3 months ago all my pool sessions be they statics or dynamics I've been wearing swim goggles and a nose clip. I found this to be an ok setup provided I can get the goggles to seal and not flood.
Then I was offered a Cressi Minima mask at a reasonable price
https://www.flfreedivers.com/store/images/Cressi Minima Mask.jpg
so I bought it, and have been using it for a couple of months.
The mask is comfortable, doesn't flood as easily as my goggles. And I don't have an anoying nose clip to worry about. And here's the but...
But I've found that when attempting a max distance Dynamic I seem to feel more un-comfortable and get contractions etc much earlier then I do while using my goggles.
I've tried repeated back to back experiments using either setup to see if I can notice a difference and I believe I do.
I understand what the Mamalian Dive Reflex is and that we have nerve endings in our cheeks that are exposed while wearing goggles etc. but I'm more interested in if anyone else has had similar experience???
Or is all this just in my head