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Mask with really wide field of vision - ???

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New Member
Jul 1, 2006
I was looking for a mask with really wide field of vision (I don’t care about the volume). As result I’ve bought CRESSI MATRIX. Thanks to Scubastore great service mask was delivered in two days. From up to down filed of MATRIX vision as described is really wide – I could say widest possible. But from side to side I expected wider field of vision.
If anyone who owns CRESSI MATRIX can recommend mask with wider that MATRIX (from side to side) vision - please let me know on v_tgr@yahoo.com
Also if anyone knows “HydroOptix Mega 4.5 Mask” - ?

Thanks in advance.
hey garrett i tried the cressi penta mask, it is a more improved version f the matrix with side wondows yet still very low volume
Try the Technisub(read Aqualung) Falco. A great, really low volume, large field of vision mask.
Omer Asia is my favourite for 0-15 meters: wide lenses but yet low volume, and a cheap price. I haven't tried the Exsite:from pictures it seems to have a wide field of vision and a cool design too.
The Visualator has a really wide field of view but is relatively high volume. Can't recall how it compares to the Matrix (although I have tried both) -- both have a well above average field of vision compared to low-volume spearo masks though. I am surprised you are not satisfied with the Matrix though -- I remember being impressed with the field of view & relatively low volume. The Cressi Big Eyes may be worth looking at if volume is not an issue - althougth it may be no better than the Matrix, which may benefit from having the lens closer to the eye(?). Might also be worth opting for clear silicone rather than the usual spearo black or camo ... you won't get clear vision from it but you will sense movement & colour (my Visualator is clear -- couldn't believe how dark & how poor the field of view was that spearos deal with when I first tried a Superocchio-style mask).
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Cressi Penta. Matrix is the widest mask I've found - haven't tried the penta but it is the evolution of the horizon - with less volume and slicker windows. I do not know how it compares for volume with the matrix. It's pretty hard to find a lower volume mask with a better peripheral field than the matrix though. I'd like to try the Omers myself.
The hydrooptix mask surely must have the widest field of view (170 degrees), but I have never tried it. Second in line I would guess is the Sphera.
That's true - I tend to rule out the sphera because I have prescription lenses in mine (alien and matrix) - which substantially reduces the volume by the way.

I think the hydrooptix much have huge internal volume. They look like dedicated scuba masks.
The sphera itself is a prescription mask, with a fixed power of about -1.50.

The hydro-optix has a huge volume. It's too bad they cancelled the hydro-optix MAX, which had a tiny volume and didn't require special contact lenses.
Interesting. My scrip is only about twice that - I should give it a try .
One problem I can foresee with the sphera is poor downward visibility. Of course as a freediver I don't need no steenking guages but it would interfere with my ability to look behind and keep track of the giant creeping monsters of the deep that are allways back there watching....watching... Also parasitic eels and toxic leaches that try to swim into your wetsuit when you are not looking.

Just a thought
The field of view on the sphera is excellent. The problem is the plastic lens which distorts your vision- much like the faceplate on the AGA full-face mask.

The other issue with the Sphera is that you need to buy a new one about once a year since they scratch so easily. It is still my favorite mask and I have a few is reserve- all of which are in varying states of decay.

With regards to a really wide field of vision mask,
try the Mares Demon. Really dumb looking , but the most vision I have ever seen in a stock mask. The volume isn't really that bad either.
Thanks for your replies, comments and suggestions.
What recommendations I have for this moment?
- cressi penta
- Aqualung Falco
- Omer Asia
- Visualator
- Omers
- Sphera
- Mares Demon

In the local shop salesman also suggested try to find Oceanic masks.

Unfortunately all of these masks I can see on pictures only, on the leisurepro or on scubastore site.
Because in the local shop choice is very small. But just looking on the picture and reading description it will be not easy to find what I need. I already have 3 masks, how much will I but until I get right one?

Personally according the descriptions and pictures I would prefer Sphera



Aqualung Falco


Oceanic Shadow Single Window Mask


Mares Demon

Omersub Asia

Omer Exsite

I would like to ask someone who can try all these masks at same time :duh – could you do me a big favor and help me to find mask with widest field of vision. Most important vision is from side to side, less important is from up to down, and I absolutely don’t care about volume – I’m not diving below 10m.

Thanks in advance and all new suggestions are very welcome.
I've got Sphera - from side to side it gives wider vision than Matrix. Will try it in the water next week.