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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
Hi all. I'm new to freediving and spearfishing and want to ask for some opinions on masks. I know low volume masks are the way to go but what about the lenses. I see clear glass, tinted, and mirrored. Any thoughts. I have had some people tell me that the mirrored are best becasue the fish can't see your eyes. Is this true and is a benefit when spearfishing? Thanks for any feedback.
That is a good question, I use a Omer Alien mask, I did consider buying a mirrored version but I also considered the extra cost! In the end I thought it would be better to buy a clear mask & possible try fitting some mirror film if I felt the need.
I use the Spetton's Reflex that come with both glasses Clear and Mirrored,that way it is very easy to try if works for you.


Mirror masks aren't so great if the viz/light is bad; here in the UK there aren't many days when the conditions are good enough to justify mirror lenses. Anyway if the water is crystal clear the bass can see you coming ;)
Yeah i think mirror or tinted no good for poor vis or low light just try looking away from fish then look back for a quick glance when your gun is pointedat them and they're in range.
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