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Max pressure for a Cyrano

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New Member
Sep 30, 2008
The manuals recommend a max pressure of 30 atm for the Cyranos, but my concern is the max pressure that any of you have tested your guns at.

I have a Cyrano 970 at 37 atm, and I can loaded with ease (more tech than strenght).
Im sure it will wear the internals faster, but this extra power is great for long shots and big fish.
Thanks for any replies


(Please advice not to do any of this for your own safety)
Diablero, that does sound quite dangerous & I am surprised you find it easy to load!
How do you measure the pressure?
From my main activity (Paintball) I have plenty of regulators for the paintball markers so I adapted one for the Spearguns I have. Have 2 separate gauges so I can measure easily how much air each gun has. Its easy to load maybe because of my technique (Im a skinny guy) and that I had one before for 5 years.

Diablero, that does sound quite dangerous & I am surprised you find it easy to load!
How do you measure the pressure?
you may say I'm a square, symptomatic, closed minded kind of fellow, but if the manual recommends max 30, me I would not go for 37. (my humble 2 cents).
Thats the way to go. Ive just read somewere of some guys running them at 40 atm and wanted to see if they had made any mods. Thanks anyway
you may say I'm a square, symptomatic, closed minded kind of fellow, but if the manual recommends max 30, me I would not go for 37. (my humble 2 cents).
Thats the way to go. Ive just read somewere of some guys running them at 40 atm and wanted to see if they had made any mods. Thanks anyway

It is good to know that you can run Cyrano at 37-40 atm, but I would rather use some kind of vacuum barrel system (mamba, karamba, tovarich, tomba) at lower pressure. Same or better result but less dangerous.
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Exactly, Im in the process of making a dry barrel system for my guns, unfortunately in my last trip in didnt work too good so I went back to the regular gun. Im pretty sure I should obtain the same results with a dry barrel system on lower pressures.
If you are making it yourself I suggest you to tray tomba. I also had few unsatisfactory try before, making something like mamba. I am sure tomba will work good. Maybe the latest version of tomba is the easiest to make.
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