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May Suunto D6 be used for freediving?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2003
So, besides all scuba diving functionality, can D6 be used for freediving. It has three modes: air, nitrox and gauge. Is the gauge mode appropriate for freediving? I suppose no, as for example D3 and Mares Nemo have free as well as gauge mode.

Is there any computer for scuba diving having the free mode functionality of D3?

Yes, the Suunto Mosquito has all three modes: scuba, nitrox, freediving. Although the freedving mode has a 2s sampling rate vs. 1s of D3, the diving profiles are still detailed more than enough. Besides it, Mosquito is quite innexpensive, and although it is so small that you can wear it like regular watch, it is still well readable (and it has also backlight that is not available at some other diving computers). Unlike many competing product, it has a user-exchangable battery. Well you can do it yourself at some other watches too, but at this one it is directly given so in the product specification by Suunto, which means you do not lose the warranty if you exchange the battery yourself.

Mosquito.jpg credit: seahorse-tauchshop

Mosquito was the only suitable option for me when I searched a diving computer. My conditions were as follows (I used an old Aladin before):
  • scuba diving deco computer
  • freediving mode (Aladin did not have)
  • temperature cell (Aladin did not have)
  • backlight (Aladin did not have)
  • user exchangable battery (Aladin had to be sent to the factory)
  • PC interface (the one for Aladin was extremely expensive, and I even think there was no one available for the old model I used)
  • small size (Aladin felt like a big travel lagguage attached to the arm)
  • low to medium price (I am not a frequent scuba diver or a pro, so do not need the highest available quality)
  • acceptable design - although less important, the possibility to wear the Mosquito like a watch without a shame is certainly another advantage Aladin did not have
So far, I am very happy with my Mosquito, and even if it dies on me once or I lose it, I'll buy another one, unless there is something much better on the market, matching my conditions in that time (which I do not think is the case yet)

Edit: Well, there is Eric Fattah's Liquivision F1 that has some excellent features other diving/freediving computers do not have. The price is steep though, and although it seems to be a very nice and well designed device, I think I still prefere some of Mosquito's qualities not available at F1 anyway. Also, from the F1 specification I have the feeling it does not have any scuba decompression computer built in - though I may be wrong, I did not really study the documentation carefully enough.

id81photof1.gif credit: Liquivision
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Thanks Trux,
Yes, the Mosquito is an option, but honestly I don't like its design. Naturally, this is not so important.
By the way, has anyone heard anything about a successor of D3 from Suunto?
Sorry for having opened this thread. I've missed an identical one:
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/showthread.php?t=66240"]Suunto D6 for freediving[/ame]
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