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measuring euro guns true length

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New Member
Oct 30, 2003
Are euro guns measured in barrel length only or total length of the gun. 110cm =43.3 inches. My friends 110 omer is the same length about as my 55 inch gun. Looks a lot bigger than 43 in. Whats the total length of a 120cm euro gun in inches (sure isn't 47 in.)? Just curious. Mahalos
Howzit cuz,

Euro guns are measured by barrel length. Sometimes it's difficult to take a tape measure to them since they include part of the barrel inside the grip or muzzle.

I attatched a picture below for your reference. It's kind of old, but you can get the gist of sizes.

From top down:
120cm Omer
106cm Omer
50" CF Wong
100cm Beuchat(Maybe a little shorter, was trimmed)
75cm Beuchat
60cm Esclapez


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Old omers are specified according to band pull legth. Like 100cm omer is equal to the Riffe comp. 3. But now i think its measures according to the barell length.
Nice guns Fuzz. I'm thinking of getting a euro gun but I'm debating about the size, I feel a 110cm gun will be more versatile for reef but need the range for those long bombs. Never shot a euro before. How's the 120 omer work for you, looks sweet.;)

For Hawaii, I think a 110 is perfect for general reef hunting. This is just personal preference. I never knew the 10cm increments made such a big difference until I started using euros regularly.

120 or longer(sometimes use a 140) I sometimes use in deep water for dive-bombing fish - drop down with the gun fully extended in front of you & use your fins as a rudders(like in the Ayau video). Easy to shoot, accurate, and streamlined. I also used the Omer as a reef gun & it does rather well due to it's lightness, but my style of diving is more conducive to shorter lengths - you may be suited for a 120 or even a 130.

I use a 100 as my goat gun & it's probably the easiest gun to use. Enough length to aim easily & short enough to swing with comfort when those pesky buggers come in. Sometimes I need a tad bit more range, but I chalk that up to my diving/stalking inadequacies & figure I have to work on that :(

I'll be back in Hawaii soon & have a variety of different guns not pictured including other Omers, Picasso, & Rob Allens you can try out, so send me a Private Message & we'll meet up to go diving sometime. I'm probably selling off the 120 omer & a couple others(Rob Allens are a bit too strong for my taste), so if you like one, I could cut you a good deal. ;)

BTW, have you seen the Epic video yet? Sterling charged my card a bit ago, but it hasn't shown up yet...
Just a note, OMER Alluminium is very light gun. Its lighter than any omer i had used. So you can swing and use bigger size easily for open areas.
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