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Medic help! Busted arm

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2005
Sorry its not directly spearing related, but I know the medics have helped out in the past. This looks like it may keep me out the water.

Surfed yesterday, would have speared but massive swell. At some stage my elbow started clicking on every paddle stroke. No impact as such but it was a heavy wave and may have jolted it.

My elbow is now stiff, and is tending to "lock" which when forced releases with 1 or serveral clicks. This is especially when I have twisted the elbow slightly. No brusing or swelling. Uncomfortable rather than painful.

any ideas?
Sounds like something you don't want to put on the backburner. I understand if your just trying to get a little advice, but you should definitely see a doctor about it. You wouldn't want something that could easily be fixed now to ruin the rest of your sports life because it can't be fixed later. I'm sure someone who knows a little more on the matter will chime in.

Good luck with whatever you do though!

Hi pav
don't want to scare the crap out of you but one of my mates just had the same problem
with his elbow,it kept locking he went to see a specialist and he said it could be a bit of cartlage in and around the joint, his elbow would be ok one min then locked the next, so it was an op,to clear it out, so he has been walking around with his arm in a sling for the last two week's:crutch
Pav , not medical myself , but my partner is a consultant surgeon , she recommends you rest the arm , take anti inflammatories ( ibuprofen ) , don't take more than the sugested dose , there is no point anyway , more doesn't work better ! If after two or three days there is no improvement , go and see your GP . Hope this is of some help and that you recover quickly .
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Hi Pav,
(Orthopedic registra here) If your elbow is blocking, there is definitely something floating/lose around in the joint. I think you have a flap of cartilage which has come partially lose and is flapping in the joint. Elbows become stiff very quickly and your range of motion(ROM) will reduce rapidly and if you wait to long(2-3weeks) recovery of ROM becomes difficult to impossible.
You need to see an orthopedic surgeon specialized in upper extremity surgery, get a standard X-ray before you see him/her to save time, if the clinical examination is not diagnostic, you will need a arthro-MRI or arthro-CT scan with contrast.
Surgery for loose bodies is normally done arthroscopically, make sure your surgeon has experience in this. (elbow arthroscopy if not easy)
Sorry to worry you like this, but if you are an active person, sort it out asap.
You can take the anti-inflamatories for the pain if you have no stomach/reflux trouble.
Cheers, Paul.
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Thanks for all the advice,
Have seen the doctor as advised. She was unable to diagnose (gave some suggestions!) but I have been refered to specialist. Doesn't feel half as bad as it did on day 1! , but still its not right and I agree its best to have it checked out rather than risk future problems.

Cheers. :)
Seeing specialist on Friday. Still clicking. Pretty stiff and has stopped the surfing, but still diving when viz allows.
Saw specialist today.
Started with a range of tests on the arm and my movement of it.
Then X Rays.

The X Rays showed no damage to the bones :) , and as I still have full movement it is not cartrilidge.

The diagnosis was it is damage to the tendon which comes across the elbow. It has to be rested... for at least 3 weeks :head ..

I have an open appointment for 3 months if things don't improve. At the moment I cringe when it clicks.. (similar to when people crack their knuckles!).

Cheers for the help.

Tendons don't click/crack.
I hope it improves with rest. As long as you can maintain full ROM waiting can only help.

Good Luck,
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Saw a physio earlier last week. Offered a lot more help that the hospital. She established my arm was weaker than my un injured arm. Also that I had restricted movement which was measured so healing can be monitored. The explanation I got was the tendon was "slipping" and as it hit the bone that was the sound I was hearing. I found it difficult to visualise as it really does sound like something more rigid making the noise.

I have some exercises and will be seen next week. I have had ultrasound treatment on the tendon.

It is improving. But feel confident with the physio. Also pleased she measured the restricted movement so it can be measured again to see if improvment continues.

Fingers crossed! Thanks for your posts. It has made me more aware to get this sorted.
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