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Merou woodie

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dan Man

New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Hi guys,

Just finished this a week or so back. I have since put a rubber on it and am taking her for a go this weekend :friday

The barrel is a part of an 'EDGE' brand barrel, the same barrel used on the picasso pacific. The stock is 25mm (1") high and 32mm (1 1/4") wide
Lovely looking gun; hope she shoots as well as she looks!!!
I've a question, please: Never tried it personally, but I read a review about Merou handle and trigger mech on a magazine, and they say it's one of the best on the market. Could you tell us what is so special with it?
Its damn comfortable for one! Strong as anything being glass filled nylon. The most impressive part to me is the trigger mech internals. All laser cut from 5mm stainless...all pins are stainless and 3mm. The housing is stainless. One of the strongest I have ever seen, wouldn't put it past holding 3 rubbers or twin 20's. The release on the trigger is one of the smoothest I have ever felt, so easy to pull back and it glides. I'd dare say its smoother than the omer...helluva lot stronger as well!

All in all a great handle at a great price!
Reactions: spaghetti
I actually stuffed the finish up bad When I was putting on the last coat it slipped off the coat hanger and on to the ground...which was covered in saw dust!

But its two pac epoxy with a few coats of marine varnish.
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