I as many use kick&glide technique while diving in pool and lately i've been speaking with a friend finswimmer. he says that continuous kicking technique would be more efficient because you just keep you speed constant and it takes less energy than k&g because in k&g you've got to accelerate after a glide(you lose speed).
I know that continuous kicking arguments are applicable in swimming and finswimming where speed is important, but is it the same for apnea? Would you conserve oxygen using continuous kicking?
Kicks in continuous kicking are weaker and in aerobic zone.
in K&G I think that by having to accelerate after a glide you put in a stronger kick which is in anaerobic zone, and the other kick is bit weaker, yet bit stronger than those in continuous kicking. Glide is great for small relaxation as well as ATP reproduction(CP) and gives opportunity to rest muscle by taking away some of lactic acid.
I'd like any opinions on the subject...
I as many use kick&glide technique while diving in pool and lately i've been speaking with a friend finswimmer. he says that continuous kicking technique would be more efficient because you just keep you speed constant and it takes less energy than k&g because in k&g you've got to accelerate after a glide(you lose speed).
I know that continuous kicking arguments are applicable in swimming and finswimming where speed is important, but is it the same for apnea? Would you conserve oxygen using continuous kicking?
Kicks in continuous kicking are weaker and in aerobic zone.
in K&G I think that by having to accelerate after a glide you put in a stronger kick which is in anaerobic zone, and the other kick is bit weaker, yet bit stronger than those in continuous kicking. Glide is great for small relaxation as well as ATP reproduction(CP) and gives opportunity to rest muscle by taking away some of lactic acid.
I'd like any opinions on the subject...