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Monofin footpockets too small

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2005
Hi got my first mono a few wekks ago and have only used it in the pool 3 - 4 times. open heel from leader fins my problem is i got what i thought was the right size for me but is too tight with no socks to use for more than 10 mins at a time. So is there anyway of " stretching " footpockets safely or will I end up breaking them or should i just send it back and ask for next size up. I have gara 3000 with closed pocket and are perfect size with 3 mm socks tight enough to get good propulsion but not too tight to cut off circulation. Can i get other footpockets and "glue " on myself or is this a pro job only
Cheers for any info
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i think i remember a thread on here several months back about someone stretching the foot pockets with a hairdryer and like those shoe stretchers.

i don't know how that works. i have an open heel mono.

you can always cut your toes off so they fit better..hehe.. ok just kidding..

but seriously, i do remember someone saying they stretched their pocket with a warm blowdryer and a shoe stretcher.. but i haven't done it.. i'm sure others in here can help more.. however i do remember someone mentioning that technique before. if there is a risk to harming the pocket maybe you can send it back for a resizing.
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Hi !! there are no comparision between open heel foot pockets and spearfishing footpockets. The first one was designed for transfer all the power to the blade, you will get confort with training, believe me. When you use to use open heel FP you will feel the Spearfishing FP as snow boots. Open heels for all brands are more or less the same. However contact your LeaderFins local dealer, he will help you for shure, or the headquarter in Taillin.

By the way, which are your mono??

Best regrds, Luis
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Hi luis,
The mono i got was the basic dolphin I think from leaderfins only used one once so i just wanted to try it out. I dolphin kick with bi fins a good bit and enjoy it so just wanted to broaden my horizons. While I may use the odd time in the sea its really going to be for pool use if I really like it I,ll get abetter one for sea etc.
HI!! i have a Flyer and Dolphin. When i start to train again with mono the max distance with confort was about 400 mts. Righ know i,m able to swim a lot more. The area of the mono it's biggest than the area from bifins so the foot receive too much force. Ypu will brod your horizons a lot when get train with the mono, shure.

And the stiffness, medium??? will be better if medium instead of hard or exhard
