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Monofin for narrow feet

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New Member
Feb 28, 2005
I know there are several threads about monofins, but i have a hard time reaching a consensus. I am interested in purchasing a monofin since i tend to dolphinkick anyway. My own research tells me that every fin available is for people with feet wide as fins alone.

Now i Use Cressi GARA 3000 with sock to fit my feet. What would your suggestion for a high class monofin that would fit me?
My experience is that mono foot pockets are always tight for my feet. I have a slightly wider foot, but not too wide. Enough though that a lot of bifin and mono footpockets are too tight around the base of my toe-line.

I use a Waterways mono, the footpocket is very tight but I can wear it comfortably for about 15 minutes. It is an open heal footpocket. I don't think you would ever have any issues from having a too narrow foot.

Alternatively you could go for a mono that has the closed heal (I think a lot of brands use the Omer footpocket), either way you could adjust the fit by wearing socks.


You always have the option of use a Monofin made with Cressi footpockets for apnea.

Leaderfins use Omer footpockets for some models as well as other manufacturers, but there are no poblem to build a monofin with the footpocket of your choice.

If we are talking about open heel footpockets is different.



Did I get that right, I could have a monofin made with my choice of footpockets, cressi, spora or??


The models that have close footpockets yes. Basically are the models for freediving.
Basically everybody use the Omer's, but there is no problem to use another brand if we can get it.

Is exactly the same with the custom fins for spearfishing and freediving, you can choose the boot too. In the same way Omer are the most popular but we already made fins with Cressi, Beuchat or Spetton boots.

Hope this helps


For pure comfort, I really like the Cressi pocket. It would be fabulous to get a monofin set up with those pockets.

Could I also get a set of bifin footpockets like those used in the Cressi 2000hf that would fit a set of Leaderfins blades and/or my existing Specialfins and Waterways blades(currently set up for sporasub pockets)?

For the Leaderfins I am sure that you will not have any problem, tey can make you the blades for the footpocket of your choice.

I think that Specialfins also. Ask Jiry about it.


Sounds really promising. Would the prize for a monofin with custom design of the footpocket soar or will it be just a little higher?
It will depend of the availability and price of the footpockets but normally there are no diference in the price, maybe would take longer if they are not easy to find.

Thanks Ivan, I know what my next gear project is going to be.

I've only ever seen Omer pockets on monofins. If they did do other footpockets then at the very least would have to be the removable blade type. The cressis are all 1 pce glued together you can't pull them apart.
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