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Monofin wanted

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New Member
Oct 14, 2007
Could anyone recommend a good monofin at a reasonable price?
I don’t need the best, but I don’t want to have to upgrade either once I get more proficient.

thank you
I got mine through performance freediving Performance Freediving | home |

Theres a few things that go into the decision- you might want to read around on this forum a bit.

You might also want to check in with jimdoe2you - he has a great internet shop for freediving gear and I believe reps for leaderfins and specialfins - who also make great fins.

I'd suggest soft blade (distance fin) with a bi-fin type footpocket and an angled blade for a recreational fin. I'm no authority - but I definitely love my waterway.
No, I just know how to make words pretty good...
I've only ever used a waterway - I know Jon's got a special fins he loves - and my daughter has a leaderfins wings that she practically sleeps with.
The waterway model 1 is even a bit cheaper and despite not having wings or angle pockets many records have been set with it, people have gone over 100m deep and 200m dynamic with it, and I personally like the traditional mono pockets a bit better than the bi-fin pockets. It's a fin you will be able to use for years until your able to do dives that justify needing a newer generation fin like hyper, glides, etc.another important factor is stiffnessthe cheapest i have seen, if they still have them, is on swimoutlet.com they have model 1 with finis pockets called a competitor, I think it was 200usd with free shipping, be carefull though the first fin they sent had footpockets that were glued on superkrooked, but they paid the return shipping and had me a new one in under a week. Otherwise performance freediving is your next best bet if your going with a waterway.
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