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Monster Lobster!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Two reasons why it is not in the receipe section is:

1. He left it for breeding purposes
2. The fish shop was closed and he saw it through the window.
Poida! Haven't seen you on the forums for years and years, welcome back! How is life on the other side of Oz?

Reef Troll/ Poida
Do you know if its OK to spear lobster in the UK (inshore waters).
If its OK I may have a nice little video to back up my statement ; )
As I understand it is illegal to spear any crustacean in UK waters - getting them by hand is fine (any lots of fun!) but its a no-no to actually spear them. Hope that helps.

Hi nick. I have heard that but can't seem to find anything to confirm that online etc. Can u point me in the right direction.?
I hope you have a massive rock tied to that lobster, so when you get your answer you can swim back and get him!
Hi BennyB - Yes when I was around a few years ago, this forum seemed to have been taken over by Islamic extremists who got upset by anything anyone said, so I left.

My recent visits seemed to indicate that they have gone, so I thought I would return.

Haven't had time to dive for years, actually got my tank inspected last year and still didn't dive. So, I am also back to give myself some motivation.