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More Groupers in S. FL

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Originally posted by Paul Kotik

Plus, the Deeper Blue Freedive Editor could take some of these fish back down to his house and document their authenticity. Scientifically.

Is tasting scientifically approved method for identifying fish?

Hey Scott,

Those are some very healthy looking fish. If you only get to take two per day, do you scout out an area for a while before taking any shots? And what do those fatties do once they're stuck....run like hell or hole-up?

Spearin @ 100 feet these days, eh? Seems like you can teach an old dog a few new tricks .

Funny post! Scott is pretty famous for his hospitality. I’m sure he would extend and invitation if your willing to come from Seattle. You’re welcome to come to Texas and dive with me anytime, although the weather is a little more predictable in Florida, but then again, everything in Texas is bigger, included the fish.

The authentication process is complex, but yes, there are olfactory and other sensory measures involved at certain stages both before and after the dissection, treatment with reagents and thermal processing.

For those of you in Rio Linda, I mean gutting, filet-ing, marinating and grilling.

Sounds better in CSI - talk, though, doesn't it ?

It is terrible to die of thirst in the ocean. Do you have to salt your truth so heavily that it does not even-quench thirst any more?

Our vanity is hardest to wound when our pride has just been wounded.

Friedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil
Reactions: Rolando

Thanks. I know what you were saying before. Sorry for taking offense.


You're right, I've never extended an invite to you personally and I'm sorry about that. Although, I do remember somehow making an open invite to you through a friend of a friend but since you never accepted I just assumed you weren’t interested. But yes, you are welcome to come dive with me anytime you want (just try to give me at least a week's notice so I can make room for you). I go out pretty much every weekend (except the upcoming one because I'm competing in an underwater hockey tournament). I'll send you a PM with my contact details. I'd love to have you join us.


This particular type of grouper only shows up in the winter and only after a big storm (at least here on the east coast, right Connor). One day you won't see a single one and the next day you'll see schools of them swimming around. When they first show up they're pretty stupid and will actually swim right up to you. But within a week they smarten up pretty good and then you have to hunt them harder. We don't worry about scouting for the bigger ones and usually just shoot the closest one. Because they are a schooling fish, all fish in the school are pretty much the same size. Most are between 15-20 lbs with some getting up to the 25 lb mark. Average gutted weight is usually 17-18 lbs. Like most groupers, once you break them off the bottom the fight is pretty much over but the problem arises when you hit a big one right next to structure, like on a wreck, because they dive for cover quick and can make a mess of your line and gear as they drag it into a wreck or cave. Sometimes when they first come in, you can easily get your limit in 2 dives and then it's time to hunt for snappers the rest of the day.

I said I was diving 90-100+' (not hunting). Actually, I would have felt secure shooting a fish on my 90-95' dives but none were available but I didn't carry a gun when I hit 105'. Those depths are kinda new to me so I'm sorta paranoid to do too much down there until I define my limits a little better. I am spending a good amount of time down there though (20-30 sec) on the bottom so I guess it's probably time to start seeing what my limits are.


Yes, we pretty much always have to run a live boat here due to currents and so we all take turns driving the boat. I prefer to only go out with 3 guys because it works perfect that way (1 guy driving and 2 in the water hunting in a 2-man buddy team). But I have so many people that like to dive with me I usually end up taking 4.


I tried to return your PM but it said I couldn't. Something about you're not accepting them. Just wanted to let you know I wasn't blowing you off, I tried.

Take care everybody and happy spearing. Also, keep in mind I'd love to see pictures and stories from all of you too (as I'm sure many others would).

Originally posted by sturgeon


I tried to return your PM but it said I couldn't. Something about you're not accepting them. Just wanted to let you know I wasn't blowing you off, I tried.

Scott, and others,

Ivan is down in Tasmania, the legendary assend of the world, and is having problems with logging onto DB.

Rest assured he is reading your posts, he just cant reply or PM people.

Sascha (filling in for Ivan)

I send you an e-mail a week ago let me know if you got it...

thanks Shadow for filling in I got my sh#% sorted now so its all good

Murat your email probably got sent to my old address back home in queensland. My new email address is 62797219@students.amc.edu.au

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