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Most masks hurt my nose

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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008
Hi guys,

Just wondering what mask the guys with slightly larger noses use? I just bought a mares star elite which is great but it still pushes on the underside of my nose a little(the bit between my nostrils), no where near as bad as my last mask but I was wondering if you guys know of any masks that will comfortably fit my nose. My nose isn't huge but I just can't seem to find a mask that doesn't push on that spot. I can't find any shops in melbourne to try on any omer masks. I was hoping the alien might be my answer.

Have You played around with the strap? My sphera hurts in the same spot when I put the strap too high around my head, but when I have the strap lower, it's just perfect.
Also I found that I used to have the strap far too tight, which also didn't feel well. The strap really just needs keep the thing in place, while I used to think that it should press the mask to my face.
If this (or others' suggestions) won't help, You'll just have to try every single one on until You find one that will fit and serve the purpose. :)

Thanks Sanso,
That might indeed be my problem, i do tend to ahve the strap fairly tight, and possibly have it sitting a little high, I'll try having it looser in the pool tomorrow and see how I go.
I have the same mask and had the same problem with it and other masks... the strap is the cause just like Sanso says. position it better and not too tightly and it shouldn't be a problem.
Hey Sanso,

Thanks for the advice, I tried it out in the pool today and vioula(I think that how you spell it), no pain. Amazing what a difference the strap tension and position will make.
Much Appreciated.
Good to hear it! (and it's "voilà" if I'm not mistaken But if You meant the musical instrument, that would be a "viola". Ah, sometimes I just have to be the know-it-all-arse )
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Reactions: Newbie_spearo
Haha cheers, I'll write that down! Now all I gotta do is get my gun and go shoot some fishies, that's if there are any left in the bay after the queen of the Netherlands has free range to go where she wants and dredge where she likes!:vangry
Hi guys,

Just wondering what mask the guys with slightly larger noses use? I just bought a mares star elite

Hi, I'm looking for a new mask, and I've got a none-too-delicate schnozz too. Also trying to find one with a really soft skirt to make equalising easier (otherwise air tends to leak from my nostrils) - does the mares Star have this? And what's the field of vision like? There aren't any reviews on Scubastore yet.

Any other masks that might suit freediving rhinos?

Cheers, Bryan
I don't really have much to compare the mask to, but since I have adjusted the straps it seems to be a lot more comfortable! As far as field of vision goes I'm not too sure what it's like compared to other masks, but it seems pretty good. I have the mirror lense so on overcast days or days when vis isn't too good I need to use a clear lense. If you are after a really soft skirt then the Mares Liquid Skin might be for you?
I have a nose that almost fits in a lot of masks (around the bridge is the problem). Try a Beuchat if you can. It has the biggest nose pocket, low enough volume for any spearfishing depth, good vision and a glass lense.

Skirt is soft enough on the Star and the field of vision is good... If you want reviews search for 'Sporasub star elite' instead of mares... they have just switched the brand name out on the same mask.

It suits me just fine... I have both versions but I tried it in the shop before buying it and would have to do the same with any mask.
I tried some Mares masks down the local shop - the nose pocket seems big enough and they seem a good fit generally. I like the liquidskin, it does make equalising easier - thanks for the advice!

They didn't have a Star though so I ordered one from Scubastore. Bizarrely, even though the Star seems designed for freedivers, Mares only sell the liquid-skin version in the UK with clear skirt! (I hope Scubastore actually have th black one they say they have, and it isn't an admin error!)
The liquid skin clear version is a new fangled version... It was only available in dark skirt versions under Sporasub as it is primarily a hunting mask so there are far more of those around.
Mares concentrated more on mickey mouse snorkel type stuff prior to the brands coming under the mares umbrella and the original liquid skin mask was softer than the sporasub star but I've heard it's a leaky pain in the butt.
The masks to try would be sporasubs hunting masks for comparison tho i think the star is the softest. If You tried a Samurai then its probably comparable to the star.
Thanks Davie for the info. I hope it's not leaky - I don't understand why it would be more leaky than a standard Star, since the skirt would be the same shape and the liquidskin would be more flexible? Was the original liquidskin different to the one they currently use? (And, do you know if they still make the black version or will it be "new old stock"?)

It's ordered now anyway so I'll have to see how it turns out. The only freedive mask I've used is a Superocchio which I found leaky and uncomfortable to equalise with, but I think it was made for smaller faces than mine.

Cheers, Bryan
i had the same problem with my old mask, technisub look,

changed to the mares x vision for scuba and technisub micromask for freediving and they fit much better,

no more pain.

If it was the black star you ordered then it won't be leaky, just don't tighten too much or too little and keep your strap in the right place... no idea about the liquid skin version of the star but its a totally different shape to the original mares liquid skin mask anyway.
The star mask is a fairly new one... last of the spora masks i think so it will no doubt stil be in production along with the samurai under the mares brand and would be just as new even if it was a sporasub.

Only possible problem I can think of is the star is known to be good for women and men with "small faces" as one review put it. I'm fairly skinny and it fits me well so it could be true. Personally, I like to think it is a mask for good looking people

P.S. there is a member on the board who is very involved with sporasub/Mares who would be the best to ask about their gear. Can't remember their name but a little digging should turn it up.
The (Sporasub) Star Elite does seem to fit womens/small/Asian/childrens faces better, at least so I've noticed. I know a couple of people wearing them. All are average or smaller than average built, and the bigger built found the mask somewhat uncomfortable.
Ah, that might not be so good, as I've got quite a large head. But my face is fairly narrow compared to its height. (The other Mares masks in the shop seemed to fit OK but I guess they're not the same.) I think I'll ask Scubastore to hold up the order for a couple of days. In the meantime, has anyone got any other recommendations for a mask with very soft skirt, large nose pocket and for a larger face? Bill I think mentioned Beauchat (sp?) - which model? Does it have those things?

Many thanks, Bryan
Hmm. I have an Omer Alien. Very comfy, only thing is, the nose pocket seems somewhat big for me, as I am small built. I guess that counts as a large nose pocket?