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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 24, 2003
Ive just read the best news.

Mr Cameron of Terminator, The Abyss, Alien, and Titanic is already well on his way to makeing a film about Audrey and Pippin. This might be old news but hey ive just read it and its exciting. From what i could gather its going to be sort of fictional but lossley based on their relation ship.

Can everyone say Le Grande Blue 2

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Hes going to use his new specialy created ROV's to film pippins atempt at 170 and use it in the movie. Sorry just found that bit out
That's something to look forward to. Does anyone have the (working) name of the movie or more information. I know Cameron is a great fan of undersea exploration as can be seen in his films about Titanic (the semi-documentary one) and Bismarc.
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Am I alone in thinking this is a little sick??
Think it was called Ghosts of the Abyss. From what i can determine its not got a working title yet. But its gots some ridiculese budget.

I thought it might be sick, but then Cameron is an amazing director and he did Titanic fantastically if not a little soppy. Think it will just be a case of waiting to see what he come up with.
Originally posted by samdive
Am I alone in thinking this is a little sick??

Just goes to show what money can buy...

Peter S.
Last edited:
A couple of things strike me about this. One is that there are much better freedivers out there to make a movie about. But I understand that only we freedivers would like such a film, and a producer must look for a dramatic angle, preferably with a love story in there somewhere (think Big Blue, Abyss, Titanic). If they didn't have the love story/drama, then they might just be documentaries.
The other is that, yes, this story is close to our hearts as divers and followers of Pipin and Audrey, but it would be an amazing story in a dramatic sense......the diving, training, locations, the love that Pipin and Audrey obviously had/have for each other, and the tragic loss. Lots of great stories have losses, but until recently, movies over here (America) did not have tragic endings. Look at the original American version of The Big Blue for instance. "Jacque" maybe returns to the surface, maybe not. But it looks as if he chooses to live in that version. There is no question what his choice is in the European version!
Life always involves death whether we like it or not, and maybe in Pipin's eyes it is a way to help immortalise his wife? I don't see anything wrong with telling the story.
Erik Y.
The true irony is that if Audrey hadn't died, there wouldn't be a dramatic/tragic love story to tell, and there wouldn't have been the sports illustrated cover page story, and the great important people would not have read that story, and there would have been no movie.... It is often strange to watch disconnected events take place which cause huge repercussions down the road...

Another irony is this: Now that AIDA has decided not to send judges for Pipin's attempt, they will not recognize the dive. It will be pretty ridiculous when Cameron films it and the whole world watches it, but AIDA still doesn't recognize it.... Think of it from the point of view of a newbie. Someone goes to see the Cameron movie, learns that the footage of the 170m dive is REAL footage (which will probably be mentioned in the movie). Then, he wants to learn more about freediving, and discovers AIDA, only to find out that they chose not to send judges to that record despite the request of the athlete.... ?? It seems kind of funny, AIDA asking Pipin to detail the safety standards that will be used for the dive. Now Pipin can just say, 'watch the 20th century fox movie, and take note of the submersibles...'

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
Unless Loic hits 171 meters before the movie comes out?;)
For those that are interested...

Alimar, the movie has tentativley been titled "The Dive" (no prizes there)...

From www.scriptsales.com

Title: The Dive
Log Line: In 1986, Cuban born free diver Francisco "Pipin" Ferreras and French born diver Audrey Mestre meet and fall in love. They eventually marry. Under Ferreras' guidance and training she becomes a freediver and breaks several world records -- some are tandem dives with him. In October 2002, while attempting a 561 foot breath hold dive, Mestre dies at 28. The death is ruled accidental.
Writer: Francisco Ferreras (author)
Agent: n/a
Buyer: Josephson Entertainment
Price: n/a
Genre: Drama romance
Logged: 7/3/03
More: Nonfiction book to be published by ReganBooks. Barry Josephson and ReganBooks' Judith Regan to produce.

Some might think it sick and disrespectful, others may think it's a fitting and proper way to remember a remarkable woman. We can only guess as to certain peoples' motivations for a project like this, and that wouldn't be fair. Hope they at least turn out a good movie.

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It could be written/filmed as a classic tragedy. The hero who scales great heights and is ultimately felled by the same tragic flaw:
The ultra intense, competetive, lonely focus that enables the poor boy to rise from his humble background while finding it difficult to relate to "the world" and the human relationships that reside there. He torments his tormenters while finding solace with mermaids in a sub-marine cavern. He bravely hunts and provides bounty from the sea but is valued by families for bringing up their dead loved ones from the depths. He rises to the top of Soviet Cuban society but has done so by demonstrating unfathomable fish-like attributes, by pushing the boundries of biological capacities.

He escapes to freedom in America where he conquers the world of freediving, gains fame and a measure of fortune, not to mention a few enemies. Meanwhile a beautiful young woman studies him from afar, dreams of him, seeks him out and a great love ensues. Not only has he been touched by a woman that accepts him and his life in the sea but here is a woman who meets him there and resides where he does: in the depths!

But (perhaps) the same competitive, meglomaniacal boundry pushing attributes that allowed him to conquer his chosen field also cause him to contribute (however slightly) to the death of his beloved. Ironically, he is the one who must descend to bring her body to the surface. Perhaps he is destroyed by this; in any case he must face life alone having been touched briefly by an angel.

That would be one way to tell the story. Am I saying that is the way it was? I don't really have enough experience and information to know for sure but it seems to me there are parallels enough to imagine such a treatment.

I am sure Cameron and his team will portray Audrey with compassion and dignity.

I for one think this will be an awesome thing to portray on film. I think James will give it some class, and respect!! As we all feel, Audrey deserves it!!

I am just a newby to all of this, but think this is a good thing!!

And I have faith in Mr. Cameron!!!
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all very well but it would be kind of nice to have a movie or indeed ANY media depiction of freediving where the hero actually manages to stay alive ( and I DON'T mean the US version of Grand Bleu)

anyone want to help write one??
If she HAD lived, Ocean Women , which i understood was filmed during that period, but cancelled because of her death, would have been that movie/documentry.
Why can't they use the footage of that movie (and of course take out the tragic ending shots). Anybody got any info on what happened to that footage ?
Can't be just thrown away , can it ?

Anyway, whatever people think good or bad, i will be there on the opening night, since anything from Cameron combined with my fascination for freediving will result in lots of enjoyment

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I'm sure the movie will be enjoyed by a lot of people, but it's to be a romance-drama... I'd rather go see something more fun and adventurous.

I started on an outline for a script last year, but mine is gonna have a happy ending, dammit. :) In line with the spiritual appeal freediving holds for me, it's slightly esoteric sci-fi adventure... but who knows, I hated Titanic :yack
Originally posted by samdive
anyone want to help write one??

Why don’t we write it on DB? In a new thread.

For example:

First shot:
Calm mirror-like sea, couple of ripples moving outwards in a ring and disappearing, leaving the sea as it was. Nothing, no movement. No panning. Blue sky with just a couple of clouds. Waiting….for a full three minutes, in total calm, when suddenly a head shoots up from below with a whoop of joy and laughter and then calmly floating on the surface. Camera zooms into open smiling eyes reflecting the sky, and as we go deeper into the image the sky dissolves into the deeper blue of the sea and we find ourselves underwater re-living what the freediver experienced during those three minutes. This time, as “we” surface, we see the scene from the diver’s point of view and emerge looking at our friends and buddies, who are accompanying us on a marvelous trip looking for the world’s best freediving spots.

This can be an intro for an “Endless Summer” type dream of a movie but with freediving instead. With all sorts of adventures of course!

Suggestions for names:

The Endless Dive
Freediving Paradise

Take it from there…and free your imagination.

Incidentally, there is already a movie called "The Dive". It's a Norewegian movie about commercial diving (in English), in a bounce/bell dive that goes wrong. It is actually very well done and very dramatic. Worth watching if you can find it these days.
Erik Y.

Your right Eric, that is a great flick.

I saw it quite a while ago, but remember that it was pretty good- especially considering almost the whole thing took place inside a bell.

What happens if Pipin fails the attempt at 170m when Cameron is filming? Does the story/film still go on as planned? Or does an outcome like that just add to the 'drama' aspect of the movie.

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Efattah wrote:
Another irony is this: Now that AIDA has decided not to send judges for Pipin's attempt,

Again to point out: Pipin failed to live up to AIDA's present (and mind you, improved) registration procedures prior to a record attempt. AIDA can't and shouldn't send judges to Pipin's attempt, when the rules are not followed. Not for Pipin, not for Umberto, not for Tanya, Loïc, not for anybody.

That's the whole point! Where've you been?

Now, I can only believe that this cruddy paper detail will come in order before the attempt now rescheduled for October in stead of August. Then I for one is going to push for the judges going to Mexico.

No more petty bullshit. I wan't Pipin to get a shot at the title.

Chris Engelbrecht, Copenhagen
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