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Moving to Canada

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New Member
Jan 9, 2005
Hey people! Newbie here, just posting my first thread.
Im currently living in NSW Australia, and moving to beautiful Canada for a working holiday. Other than BC, where in Canada is there awesome diving. Also if there are any good dive clubs in Vancouver/BC could you please let me know!
Thanks guys and gals!
Deb, check out Greg Mossfeldt's forum/site: www.mossmanscuba.com
He is a great guy who does lots of diving all over Canada: both coasts and the lakes in between. Not to mention the Dorea 12 times and a few others!
Very friendly forum with lots of good people available.
I live in Edmonton Alberta. Let us know when you land.
Erik Y.
Welcome! I'll second a look at Greg's site, great fella with some excellent info.
there are a great places... like tofino and near to shoehurse bay
i think its a bit cold this days mate.... especially for a guys like
you and me that lives in a warmer places....
i have been in tofino in canada day (summer time)the water were very cold
i think now its hard to dive(winter time)
Mundial, I Spent the majority of my life in Saudi Arabia and I dive year round here. Winter is the best diving on the west coast (IMHO). very few people on the water and by far the best viz. invest in a good suit and never look back. and a chainsaw if you live where I do, you'll need it to get through the 28" of ice on some lakes ]

Nanaimo and Tofino are excellent places to dive, just don't mention spearfishing, to many hardcore leftwing types there. But with that comes lots of lovely, friendly hippy girls :girlie
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ye ye you right.......
i spent a wonderfull week in tofino ,canada day i just remember i felt cold
beacuse i was diving with 3mm mares triton bermuda rofl
but it was nice anyway...
hope to be visiting soon maybe i can go with you down there again
nice to hear that you are from Saudi Arabia !! i am not far from there
divemaster_deb have a nice time un canada
not really from Saudi, just gew up there, my parents to a contract over there when i was very young. Canada day eh? so you have seen us at our best! next year you should try to make it to Ottawa for canada and head to parlimnet hill. you and 300,000 of your new best friends all getting hammered - best day ever :friday :yack :friday :hungover
Thanks guys!
although i have to complete a few more courses before i go, it looks like im going to be in Calgary late feb.
Hi Divermaster Deb!

I'm currently on a similar expidition myself! I've been in Calgary now since early January and i am planning to stay for another 4 months or so. I'm just as clueless about the Canadian scuba scene but would love to find out more!It's a little cold over here at the moment for me to go diving so im currently working hard to raise money for travelling in the warmer months.

What part of Canada are u planning to travel on your holiday? It would be great to have a dive and travel buddie for the trip! Also if u dont mind me asking, are you single? My girlfriend and i broke up when i came over here and im missing the Aussie companionship

Anyway, email me when ur heading over or if you want to share any info u find.


P.S Its bloody cold here at the moment and probably still will be in Feb so i'd recommend delaying the trip a little unless ur only planing to work for the first part.
Port Hardy off the BC coast is the best cold water if not the best diving in the world for marine life. While you are in Alberta though, there is lots of diving here in the lakes. There is quite a tech diving group in the province and a couple of us that freedive/spearfish.

Thankyou all so much in your fast response.
i am now planning to be based in calgary, as i fell in love with the place when i was there a few months ago. im looking forward to going ice diving, my dream one day to go diving under Antarctic Ice. hopefully this will give me an idea of what its like!!
i will keep all posted to when i am due to arrive in cow town.

thankyou all, your wonderful!

deb :thankyou
I have a sister in Calgary. She is very good at taking newbies out for a party. Bring bail money
Amphibious said:
I have a sister in Calgary. She is very good at taking newbies out for a party. Bring bail money

Hold on...

Bail Money...

How come this is the first i've heard of her
i better not get into party mode... i wanna stay in your country!!
prolly not the best thing that i was told...
Stephan Whelan said:
Hold on...

Bail Money...

How come this is the first i've heard of her

she shoots as good as I do, so if you think you can handle her, go for it, just don;t piss her off... but I do have half a bag of lime left over from the last one....
not much water in alberta.. more here in ontario..or in bc..good luck with the move.and if you are ever near niagara falls...drop me a line.. (or fla) ..fellow divers always welcomed! a.j
aquasport said:
not much water in alberta.. a.j

Lots of water, lots of sights, lots of fish. You just need to know where to look.
Erik Y.
Hi Deb! Welcome to Canada! I'm sure you will love Calgary, lots of good ppl there. I just moved to BC from Sask (I don't reccommend Sask for diving! south Sask that is) but I'm really looking forward to the diving out here.. going to Nanaimo mid march. TTYS!
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