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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well a HUGE thing here is the inability to understand daylight savings. The reasons given to NOT have it (other states have it) are:
It fades our curtains
Our cows don't give milk
We dont need 25 hours a day.
Children don't sleep.

QLD has also just got this new fangled stuff in their water called fluoride. Well at least you'd believe it's new if you listened to them going on about finally catching up...

So, stereotypical Queenslander? His shorts are too small, belly too big, pubs are NEVER to have any culture, it's still the 90's here and that's the way they like it. Extremely vocal about their sport, if they win, if they lose they claim not to be a fan, speak with a slow drawl. And the more of a bogan (red-neck equivalent I guess) they are the more likely they are to cover themselves in flags.

Yeah, and Australia day in Queensland certainly brings out the 'best' in them! They'll rock up in their "fully-sick" suped up holden commodores (australian ute - a bogan must-have) with basey music blairing, drape themselves in a dozen Australian flags, paint their faces blue, white and red, scull down a crate of beer and then screach "aussie, aussie, aussie, oi, oi, oi"!

That's queensland for you! My theory is that the further north you go, the hotter the climate and the more 'baked' your neurons end up being!:D So Queenslanders aren't actually the worst! There's still the Northern territory ahead of them on the bogan scale!

Reefy is making the right decision moving south!

Don't think us Canadians have any guys who fit that particular mold. Would those guys driving around in the Toyota trucks in the "Skippy" scene from Crocodile Dundee be Bogans?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRL5ly72mdc]Crocodile Dundee vs Poacher (Good One Skippy!) - YouTube[/ame]
Oh god yes. I've met some professional kangaroo hunters waaaaayyyyy out West and mate, THEY are a different breed.
Oh god yes. I've met some professional kangaroo hunters waaaaayyyyy out West and mate, THEY are a different breed.

Hmm, well there are some guys who are similar here in N. America, even down to the Stetson cowboy hats.

Heh, I befriended a fellow from Japan in my university days who had spent some time at the University of Texas. He came to Canada because he didn't find himself compatible with Texas culture, or at least one side of it. He had the funniest story about his time there. Some 'good ole Texas boys' who were in school with him decided to take him out on a rabbit hunt and show him it's done. This guy couldn't believe what happened. They got into a pickup with one of the students driving and him up front, and the rest of the guys in the rear bed of the pickup.

They drove out onto the sagebrush plains outside the city, and the rabbit hunt consisted of the guys in back hanging on to the truck's roll bar while they blasted away with shotguns at rabbits flushed out from their hiding places by the truck.

One of the boys was shooting out straight ahead when a bump bucked the front of the truck up, and his shotgun blasted straight down through the bonnet and punctured the radiator.

A couple of guys had to hike back to the road where they called for help, while everyone else roasted in the shade of the truck waiting for the tow to arrive.

They wouldda been helpless if Skippy had started blasting away :martial
ha ha that's funny. I was driving a 4WD once with a younger guy, small bloke. Came across some roo hunters, 3 teeth between the two of them and the driver of their vehicle when talking to us kept staring at the younger guy like he wanted to take him home. Creepy. Should have sold him to them.

ha ha that's a dumb story, how awesome, amazing what some people do.
Actually I reckon Queenslanders still have a higher average intellect that the texans! ( i did say "average" so if any texan is reading this, you are a freediver which already puts you it the top 0.00001% of the texan population!)
Well, I have only got 4 or less hours of work left. We will be moving into our new house next Wednsesday.
Some (average) photos of our new location.
Wife is at work, eldest is at school so we took a morning to go outside.


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Nice, the kids seem to enjoy the new place. Is it fishable there?