Circling mullet
I came across a group of medium sized mullet in clear, shallow water last year, in a patch of string grass, amongst large boulders. Perhaps attracted by tiny silver bait fish.
On first encounter, I was caught by surprise & unable to make a shot. Figuring, they were unlikely to come back, I circled round the rest of the small bay exploring (perhaps a 50m radius circle). Not finding anthing else, I returned to the same spot, carefully. This time there was a single larger mullet in the same spot, fired & missed. Repeated the circle again, still no other fish. Returned to the same spot again, even more carefully, this time another group of medium sized mullet were there (perhaps the original group) but there were skittish & already took off when I fired and missed. I think I did it one more time & then started the long swim back -- as I obviously wasn't hitting anything.
I haven't had the opportunity to try this out again, to see if it might be a technique worth developing or just pure chance, or perhaps due to the presence of those tiny silver fish. Might be worth trying though. Several times, I've come across a group of mullet twice in the same general area (I don't think I've ever encounter the same group more than twice though - despite looking).