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My dive this morning, Manta Point, Maldives

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Erection Supervisor ;)
Jan 19, 2001
the current was a little strong and so was the surge, but managed to get a couple of pictures...


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some more

the photos didn't come out as good as the last time i dived this site.. lots of plankton, water movement, and couldn'get a good position but here we go...


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and me

looking extremely happy after seeing mantas (photo with permission of dive buddy)


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    manta point 18-06-04 (12).jpg
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majestic majestic

mantas... accompanied by shark suckers


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WOW !!! Beautiful pics !!! I was down below Rooikrans Ledges spearing when a huge grey shadow loomed over me, my first reaction was to prepare for a meeting with a GW, but it turned out to be a giant ray. They have subsequently become some of my favourite creatures, so really enjoy your pics - thanks for posting !!

Really nice pics Sara

It looks like you have something in your mouth :D

The second manta looks mean

Did you piss it off?
nooo.... in any case these mantas are the same mantas every year... their markings are recorded. (perhaps they know us) :)

they come really close, they are so curious.

are you jeering at my scuba dummy? :)
Hey Island Sands

Just a quick question : what camera/film are you using ?

(Mantas are probably one fish that Shane hasn't shot at ! [thank goodness] - I saw the monkfish photo earlier, looks like an extra from star wars)

EDIT : << ... looks like an extra from star wars >>

The monkfish - not Shane.

No worries Ed.

I would have liked to have been in star wars even as jabba the hut

So you guys know, I only shoot fish for my families consumption.

I have a big family ;) but would never shoot an endangered species

The monkfish is one of the best eating fish in the sea. The reason I never order it in restaurants is that the fishing methids used for these species destroys the seabed and many other non-commercial fish.

At least I know that the one I caught was the only fish that died in the process.

Great Pics, Island Sands! I haven't seen a Manta up-close and personal since snorkeling in Fiji a few years ago: jumped in with some scuba divers and looked down--- a Manta was within 6-7 feet of the surface right under me. Startled for a second, I was so glad I had reviewed my 'flora and fauna' before going in and knew what it was.....they are so impressive. Graceful movements...majestic is just the right word, like you said...to describe how they swim...
Nice piccies :) the second one is spectacular but I do wonder what you and Shane chat about in Spannish ;)
I use a Sony P10 and don't understand sh1te about photography (that's why i use digital and a red filter.. and Adobe photoshop!)

jeff, thanks for the comments. what kind of ray did you see?
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