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My family-friendly spearfishing holiday

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Campari Survivor
May 31, 2005
It has always been hard to find a balance between family time, being nice to my wife (who doesn't dive) and spearfishing. So this year I will experiment a new format of summer holiday.
Lucky me, two of my wife's ex college mates and still best friends are two avid spearos, they both have a baby same age of my daughter and two non-diving wives same as mine. Perfect company for experimenting the new holiday "format", starting from this week's thursday.
-morning: spearfish with the guys
-afternoon: play with children
- evening: be nice to wives
- night: zzz
- repeat every day for two weeks.
This thread is also a contest for you all:
guess how many days I'll keep the pace of this "tour de force"...
I'm just about to go to porthcothan for a fortnight my itinery will be sl different as the boys all want to come out with me. the 15year old is fine but the 11 and 7 year old will needs to be watched. Then when they get a fish or hypothermia I can get on with it.
The afternoon and evenings will be same as yours. snoring is optional depending how much water i've snorted in the day!
Reactions: spaghetti
Back at last from this short but very pleasant holiday.
What may sound interesting is about the skills of one of the two buddies (Robby, which I found out being an ex hi-ranking competitive spearo) who gave a bloody nose to my Ego showing to be a much better spearo than me. Here's the story of some of his catches during our holiday. Could sound incredible but all true.
The twin mullets. I lost my own chance when I did an indian style dive (belly-crawling) around a long tongue-shaped rock protruding toward open sea, but I misjudjed my breath hold time or the distance to dive: when I finally reached to turn the corner on the edge of the rock, I was too much air hungry to hit any of the two HUGE mullets that I found there. The fishes escaped, but after five minutes Robby called my attention and showed me his spear: he had caught both the big mullets in one single shot (they weighed more than 2 kg each). He told me the fishes saw him and acted very shy, so he released a bubble of air to catch their curiosity. The mullets swam a wide loop away then swam back to him. As they were passing side by side he got them both with one sinlge shot. A very long bottom time helped the happy outcome. (BTW: he used my T20 he borrowed, so I gave him the gun as a compliments gift).
The embroided bluefish. Robby's 4 or 5 kilograms bluefish is a great catch, but even better the way he caught it. The first shot completely passed trough the body (whole shaft and loop of line all in one side out the other). Of course a fish like that was pulling hard as hell, so he opened the reel, picked up the shaft from the bottom, reloaded and shot him again with the same shaft and line! Not all in one breath (would have been too much for him too), but indeed a nice stitching needlework anyway!
The BASS in the dark. After three days of a strong north west wind we were sure there would be no visibility for hunting, so Robby took us to a spot he knew well and went down investigatin as I and the other buddy kept waiting on land. He went in with the shortest gun he had (Excalibur 55 cm) armed with a 5 prong trident. From distance he called us and showed the thumbs down signal: no visibility (he said he couldn't see the muzzle of the short 55). After this he started to swim back to the shore, we saw him turn around a rock, then suddenly he stopped and swam back fast as hell, to disappear under water for a minute. He came back with a 5,5 kg bass, wich is an exceptional bass for Italy especially in summer. He said he just saw this big dark shadow in the murky water (half meter viz) and shot with no judgement, without knowing what fish it could be. After shooting he dropped the speargun (5 pronger could not hold the reaction of such a big bass), and swam following the gun and fish all attached. He found the bass had stopped on the bottom trying to break away from the trident against a rock: quickly hands in the gills and job done.
He's a lucky bugger but...hey, what a Spearo!
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Reactions: Mr. X and foxfish
Good stories mate, where were you on holiday?
PS you are now 100!
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In Tuscany, near family's homeland, on the southern edge of it.
There's not much fish in our sea but, as you see from the stories, some lucky catch is still possible. My own catches were too much ordinary to be reported, but when you hunt in company you enjoy the catch of your buddy as if they were yours: a group is a group. Take the guy who got the 5,5 kg bass: wen we met our wives at the end of the day, he didn't say "I caught this", but "WE caught this". Nice experience.
BTW: the guy of the stories is making plans for finding a job in England. I talked to him about Guernsey and he was enthuisiast ("When shall we go there?", he asked me).
BTW Foxfish: did those italians from Sardinia actually come over there in mid august? Good people?
PS: thanks for the 100 rep points. Such a pity I cant' share a drink with you to celebrate tonight!
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Reactions: Pastor
O yes we had the Italian invasion all right!
Marco was here for 6 weeks & caught more bass than I care to mention on this site - to many in some peoples mind. However his friends & family had terrible weather for the 8 days they visited us. There were 7 Italian divers with a rib boat fishing in the most atrocious conditions but they still caught bass, crabs, bream, red mullet, sole & cuttle fish!
Here is my now very good friend Marco with a couple of bass he managed to shoot in very poor vis. He was lying on the bottom looking for shadows against the surface!


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well back from prthcothan after two weeks of strong onshore winds only a few bass but 3 lobsters one of which was only 3 feet below on low water springs. saw the biggest one ever but he was in a hole over 1m deep with a conger next to him so I just teased him a bit. strange how lobster and conger seem to cohabit like that.
My 7 year old got a wrasse which we curried and he ate it despite not being made into fingers!!
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