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My first freediving fins: use with and without socks. What to choose/buy?

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Active Member
Jan 16, 2014
Hi, all, I did a freediving initiation and I'd like to go further in freediving. The club that organised now offers an AIDA 2* course, so I'd buy my very first pair of freediving fins, having used Mares Avanti Quattro up until now).

As for hardness, I think I'got it: my physical shape isn't that good and my legs are not very powerful, so soft to medium seems to be in order. The size is a different story as I'll need fins for the pool and for outdoors: obviously, there's no single pair of fins which can be used both with socks (3-5mm) AND without socks.

So, these seem to be my options:
1/ Two pairs of fins with different sizes: one for barefoot use, one for use with socks.
2/ One pair of fins sized to go with the socks. And always use the socks, even in the pool. (And I'll buy socks anyway)
3/ Buy seperate blades and footpockets: one pair of blades and two pairs of footpockets in different sizes and change the footpockets according to usage with or without socks.

As beginner I don't want to spend too much money just yet. I also still have to get a wetsuit, so budget is a bit tight. Also, time and other factors (may) hold me from really advancing any further than an AIDA 2*. Yet, you never know when things might change, so I still want to find fins that might just be able to grow with me - as far as that's even possible.

Here's my own take on the options:
1: most expensive: out of the question unless I find some good fins second hand, or 2 new really cheap pairs.
2: cheapest, but, really: is using socks in the pool appropriate? Apart from the (imho silly) look without a wetsuit: isn't it a bit counterproductive for performance? And maybe also too hot for the pool?
3: seems to be the best: it might fit into my budget + changeable pockets/blades give room to grow. However, is it a good idea to regularly change blades? And also: to make changing blades really possible/easy, I'm looking for fins where I don't have to use any glue whatsoever...

I notice Leaderfins are well known/appreciated and I’m interested in their Waves Abyss Pro, the fibreglass version in medium hardness (these fins seem to be good value for their price?). Does anyone know whether the footpockets/blades can be changed easily (withou glue)? If not, can you recommend other footpockets who can? (Pathos, Omer Stingray?) And where to buy?
Or has anyone tried the full plastic version of the Leaderfins? http://www.leaderfins.com/product.php?id_product=360 - I might just buy two pair of those, as they are only 60 € (!)...
I’m in Belgium, with few possiblities to go and try them on myself beforehand. It’s not really an ideal situation, I know, but that’s the way it is...

So, there it is. Thanks in advance!
Jo D.
Where are you 85% of the time? Pool or open water? If pool, get good FG fins for pool an get some inexpensive Imersion e:green fins for socks / open water.

Also, I rarely use bifins in the pool anymore, since I got my first monofin.

Not sure if that helps your decision at all.
Thanks, Apneaddict, I like the idea and it would fit into my budget. Are there any other fins than the e:greens in the same categorie? I rather think they're ugly. I know, who cares, they have to get the job done in the first place, but still...
I'm thinking of Beuchat Mundial One?
For safety, the e:greens are awesome.

More visible that a strobe light at depth. Seriously.
Really depends on your feet. I have a pair of Cressi's that I always wore barefoot to spearfish or reef exploring. They still fit fine with 3 mil booties for cooler water. Same with a pair of Sporasub pockets with Specialfin blades. I normally wore nylon socks with the sporas if I was going to be diving for several days. 5 mill boots would probably be too thick for that trick, but its your feet that will determine.

On stiffness, go soft. Unless you have some need for acceleration (seems like you don't) like spearfishing or diving deep, soft is much better, more efficient and you will learn better finning technique.

If you can't get one pair to work with booties and barefoot, I'd get an inexpensive plastic fin for the pool and a set of pockets for cold water that you can put various blades in.

Leaderfins are inexpensive, but I sure see comments from a lot of divers who have damaged that brand of fin. Explore carefully what you want. Lowest price is often an expensive option.

The Beuchats have a soft pocket, pair that with a soft blade and you could be golden. However, the set I bought came with very stiff blades. Same story, research what you are buying.

If you go with carbon blades, they pretty much have to be glued in. Fiberglass or plastic blades can be removable if they mate correctly with the foot pocket. Research again.

Ok, so I still haven't bought my fins.
I'm looking at the Mares Razor (not the Pro, but the grey editions, the softer ones). My shoe size is 42.
Mares Razors come in 41-42 and 43-44.

I'd be wearing the fins with socks. Always. Socks will be 3 or 5 mm, depending on whether I'm swimming indoors or outdoors. Most of the time, I'll be swimming indoors, but still, I need the 5 mm possibility.

So, can anyone chime in and give his/her thoughts on what size I should go for?
I have just bought the same fins. I'm size 10-10.5 (uk), my old fins were size 44-45 and a good fit bare foot. The new Mares Razer (Pro, I think) are 45-46 and a good fit with a 4mm sock.

From what I've read, the sizing is large on these - they're intended to be worn with a sock. Is there any way you can try them on before hand?
Nope, no way of trying them on before hand... that's why I ask here... :-/
Thanks for the info! Very helpful!
Nope, no way of trying them on before hand... that's why I ask here... :-/
Thanks for the info! Very helpful!
In that case, I'd go for the 43/44.

After I ordered mine, and before they were delivered, I read about the sizing being on the large size and though I had made a mistake. When they arrived and I tried them on I was still concerned. They were obviously too big and I didn't think a sock was going to be enough.

I took them with me to a local dive shop to try some socks and found the only sock they had in store (4mm) made them fit well - a bit of a squeeze to get into but comfortable.

If I had ordered the smaller size I probably wouldn't be able to wear them with a sock, which would mean cold feet and blisters.

Note, if you don't like the style when wearing them with no wetsuit, you can get short "trainer sock" style fin socks that will barely be visible.
Or go barefoot and use fin keepers in the pool and the socks in colder water

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