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My First Hawaiian Sling...

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Scott, I used a 1/4" bit and reamed it. I need to find someone selling good spears, get a size and make the hole 1/16" larger than that. I was afraid to go too big and not have it accurate enough. I'll buy a 5/16" bit The spears we bought are soft and bend too easy. I plan to be on th to try next.e lookout for good spring steel shafts in Florida. But I figure these will do for testing.

How did the handle feel? This third one is smaller.
I actaully think the handle could be a little smaller (narrower) It fits good in my hand- But, I think I would be able to get a GOOD grip on it- If it was smaller- This will work just fine though- I'm going to have the hole opened a little "bit" - My uncle has a ton of wood working equipment- I'll take it up to him and have him run a 5/16" through it. And then give it another "shot".
Yeah, I figured that one would be a bit big for most people. I did make it to my hand really. I also did not account for wearing gloves. I think 5/16 will work well for a 1/4" shaft, I plan to bore these two out to 5/16. I have the other smaller one I'm reshaping right now, if I can get it right, I can trade you. Or make another once I get more wood.

I went and bought a carving knife and started tweaking #2 and #3.

My biggest concern really is the band I used on that one. It felt like it would be light and not give real good energy.
I also think when the water is warmer and we can use thinner gloves or no gloves- will help alot. I just need to work at it more.
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