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My new Rabitech Stealth 120 Carbon!

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New Member
Aug 26, 2004
I am new to the "forum" scene, but over the past month I have learned a lot about the great sport of spearfishing from those much more experienced hunters out there. I have recently found myself stationed in Okinawa, Japan for the next six months, but unfortunately all my gear is in storage in Hawaii! So, it was a perfect excuse for me to get some new tools of the trade.

I grew up using wooden American-style guns, however having recently used my buddy Rabispear's Stealth 110, I fell in love with the accuracy, simplicity of use, and hard-core construction. So I decided to get one myself. After waiting and waiting (not because of slow service, but because of excitement), I finally got it today! I'm so stoked. I will post a pic of the beauty later today when I get home.

I'm going hunting this weekend (and probably after work everyday also!), and will post pics of my catches. By the way, has anyone out there dove in Oki before (besides blueh2oboy)? When I figure out how to bum a ride on a boat like Cam is so good at, I'll give the Wahoo a run for their money. And any tips on Rabitechs, if there is anything I should know to improve upon, would be great too. I'm so stoked! See ya.:)
Here she is!

Mr. Okinawan Wahoo, you are no longer safe...bring it on baby!


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welcome to the forum and wish you a bloody hunting days with it:D Keep posting updates:)
That's a very good, accurate and inexpensive rail gun. I have the Apex Carbon and once I put a medium length 20mm band on it, it made a real difference. Cam is in town and you should try contacting him for a spearing expedition....Good luck with your new toy and welcome aboard.
Nice Rabi, Lutz. I think I want one too;) . Send in those pics of your catch from Okinawa, especially the onos! I hear Okinawa has uhu and ulua too.
Uluapounder - ya, there is uhu and ulua here, I've seen them. I'll send some pics in a few days, weather permitting.
Oh yeah Ulua, I forgot. If you go to Oahu soon, check out Hana Pa'a...I was in there back in May or June and they had a Rabitech Stealth 100. They can also order you one. Or, check out www.sumora.com , Craig and Russell were real cool and fast service.
I am planning on getting an Apex but for the last 3 days I have not been able to get hold of anyone at Sumora.com. I sent 2 emails and called a few times. Is this normal? I'm a little afraid of just ordering with out talking to someone first.

Just wondering if someone knows something about it that I don't. I also am wondering how long after the order before you get your gun?
from my expierence with dealing with Sumora.com is they really have shitty customer service . Took them two weeks to call me back , mind you i made next day air ...and still no call after two weeks.

Hey. Don't know what email you have been using, but here are what I used.
Craig: craig@subtech.co.za
Russell: Russell@sumora.com
They helped me pick the right gun for me, and were fast with shipment. I don't know why they haven't responded via email, that is unusual. But I am happy with my experience with them.
First fish with new gun

5 lb Mokabu, taken in 25 ft of water. I tried posting a story about it, but my computer is retarded. Had some of it for lunch, it was very good.
Congrats on the catch Lutz. I got a notice that my stealth is waiting for me at the post office. Only 5 days shipping to Hawaii, and FREE shipping!!!! Sumora returned my emails right away, so far, good customer service.
i'll try again, if doesn't work I'm sorry, I'll try from work after the typhoon. damn computers


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Howzit Lutz,
Nice fish man. Must be nice to be stationed at a place where you can dive. How's the gun shooting? How's the power and range of the gun. Keep posting your pics.
finally : )

Ok, cool. I'll let my computer off this time on account of the typhoon beating at my window, but next time its in the dumpster! "User error" my a$$.

Ok, here's the story, not very exciting, but it was fun. My dive buddy and I headed for the shoreline at sunrise this morning, over here in Okinawa. We made entry down by a powerplant, then finned out to where its exhaust valves pumped warm water into the sea. It was about 20-25 ft all around that area, not too deep but a lot of structure and all sorts of life. If you've ever dove electric beach on Oahu its similar to that, but because of the typhoon (which began making its coming apparent this morning) the vis was poor, maybe 15 feet at the bottom, max. It was raining big heavy raindrops the whole time too, which is a cool sensation. So anyway, I hadn't seen anything worth shooting the whole two hours in the water, but I figure I'll dive down one last time (you couldn't see the bottom from the surface, so I just picked a spot and headed down). So I'm down there for about a minute, wondering why I decided to dive during typhoon condition 2, when I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. Three nice Makobu's. I picked the biggest one and drilled him thru the gills. The gun shot great, from about 10 feet away in murky water I was pleased with the accuracy of the weapon. But the dude didn't want to die without a fight, so I stuck him in the head, but he STILL was not entirely dead. I didn't want to put him on my belt yet because they bite pretty good, so I gave him a thorough lobatomy, which did the trick. While I was cleaning him I ate some raw (sashimi) which was a little tough. But then I put a 1/2 fillet in the oven with olive oil, lemon, onion, salt/pepper, and it was one of the best fish I've eaten.

We went out again this afternoon, same spot looking for his two buddies and some ulua, but after fighting through the surf and rocks, the vis really sucked, couldn't see the end of our guns, so we fought our way back in, which sucked also. But we ate some reef trout my buddy speared this morning and that made it all better.

So I'm happy with my new gun. Its a little overkill for some of the reef fish here and in Hawaii, but it won't destroy the flesh if you take a well-aimed shot. And once the typhoon blows through I'll head out past the reef and try some bluewater hunting, and the gun should do well there too. So its a good all-around gun for me out here, since I've only got one. I'll keep posting updates, as long as someone is interested in my little adventures out here in Okinawa.

<Out like a fat girl in dodge ball.>
sweet, uluapounder, I hope you like it as much as I like mine. Yeah, those guys at sumora rock, they did a good job delivering my gear quickly, too. and I'm in japan! post a pic when you get it, man. happy hunting!
Nice fish there Lutz. I also shot a few Hawiian fish earlier this year with my Apex. Keep the pictures coming and congrats.


The Sumora folks are just getting started and perhaps call it growing pains. I have absolutely no complains on the service Russell has given me. I've ordered several guns and accesories without ever having any delays or problems. I hope you'll resolve the issues, because the their guns sure are worth it. Dive Safe!
Okay, here's a couple pics of my 130 stealth. I like how Rabitech uses metal bands to support the trigger and muzzle to the carbon tube. This is the first time I've seen a carbon graphite tube (unlike carbon fiber), looks like a graphite fishing pole. It's lighter than my Rob Allen aluminum. The shaft and muzzle appear to Rob Allen. The shock cord bungee is better as this one has a swivel, unlike the one that came with my Rob Allen. The single band feels like a beast to load, at least out of the water. I can't wait to shoot it.


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