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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Aquatic Deviant
May 10, 2006
Hi everybody,

Anybody been spearfishing in Namibia? Myself and Podge are off to Namibia next January for some shark fishing and as we have a couple of days free we are thinking maybe we'll be brave and give it a try :martial

Last year our host caught a load of lobster/crayfish for our diner while we were fishing. He said there are loads and was easy to catch 7 or 8 in a couple of hours.

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trip got cancelled mate,:rcard so no results to post sorry about that.
Well bugger! Started reading the thread and I thought YEAH!!!!! Ah well :(
Possibly going to namibia in June for a hunting trip, but will probably stop over a long the west coast of SA and also in Namibia for some dives. Firstly, the Benguela coast flowing along the coast is cold, most of the areas are very exposed with dirty water, but there are some fish and naturally lots of lobsters!
Never did much diving on this part of our coast, but should be worth a look...
I have dived in Namibian waters (last time in 2003), crayfish are plentiful, vis is bad(3-5m) unless you go for off shore. Water is cold 12-16 degrees, offshore is a bit warmer, but not much. The waves are always 1-2m, sometimes larger. Winter is the best time of year, since it is not too hot.
The once incredible fishing of the coast has been decimated by the Spanish and Chinese trawlers, there are no more fish.
Don't waste your time with taking a speargun to Nam, there are better things to do there.
Winter is the best time of year, since it is not too hot. Take a thick jacket for the early mornings and a T-shirt for the rest. Jeans and shorts are needed.
Visit: Etosha national game park (better than Kruger as far as I am concerned), try visit Sossusvlei the dune are massive, the lagoon south of Walvisbaai is increadible and might be worth diving in, if you can get a trip up to the north west into the kokveld, just do go - it's worth it , if not try and add A trip to the Okavango while you are there, this is the one of the most beautiful places on the planet, go camp at Shakawe fishing lodge. you might want to brave the crocs diving.
Hi everybody,
Last year our host caught a load of lobster/crayfish for our diner while we were fishing. He said there are loads and was easy to catch 7 or 8 in a couple of hours.


So you have been in the past?
Thanks Chris & Paul! The shores and waters somehow don't look very good on Google Earth either...
Sometimes it's hard to find the local guys and get some info - on dangerous creatures for example...
I know some spearos carry a couple of shaped explosive charges - in case they meet a (couple of) nasty sharks...
There are lots of seals on the coast, this = GREAT WHITES and lots of them, there are also bronze whalers and hammerheads.
Diving crayfish is easy (if you are used to catching them). I could not imagine spearfishing there, unless off a boat out at sea with a flasher, chum, ect.., but I would not know where the offshore reefs are.
Do you mean that crayfish is found near the shore? Do they catch them with hands?
I know it's better to find some reliable info on places, sharks etc., first...
Crayfish can be found anywhere where there are rocks or kelp(a large bamboo like seaweed), you dive them from the shore. They can be found from 1m to 15m deep. They are caught by hand, you have to be quick and you will need some practice. Hesitation = no crayfish. You will need a crayfish bag. The bigger the surf the more bold the crayfish are and in huge seas(3m+ swell) they are not in their holes, but just sit out on the rocks and are easy to catch. Sharks are no problem, just don't dive in the early morning and late evening.
For the rest take a 7mm suit (or an open cell 5mm) with a hood. (crazy when you consider the midday temp will be 30+ in winter)
You can dive crayfish anywhere from Cape Agullas to northern Namibia. Check with the local post office for permits(Cheap) and ask about marine reserves.

I dove just north of walvisbaai, but the generally the further you are from civilization the better the catch.(as with everything)
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