Ptoot, You really have kept it simple. Pantyhose...a good and strong idea
I agree, it's better to put the lead first into something like that (pantyhouse, a couple of little plastic bags, ...) and then into a bike tube. That's because it's not fun if some day something go wrong and thousand of lead shots will spread on the bottom of a pool - and that is probably not a pool of your own
But if you use some heat (for heat shrink), pantyhose or plastig bags will melt.
But you don't need heat, if you use only a bike tube.
A bike tube + heat shrink system has douple wall also, and is really strong enough without inside bags or pantyhose.
You can make a 2 kg neck weight direct form a pair of these:,+2+x+1.0+kg+nilkkapainot
Notice number 1 means about 0,5 kg and 2 about 1 kg (number=pounds, lb). Take 2x2 and you get about 2 kg (4 lb).
With these it's easy to check you balance, because you can put on in the same time your normal neck weight AND 0,5, 1 , 1,5 or 2 kg angle weight(s) to your neck. In trainings we have 2 normal neck weights (3 and 3,5 kg) and these ankle weights, so we have a large variation of different weights or weight-compinations for different suits, for different packing and so on. We use even 5 kg if packed. You can chance your weight in seconds, if you need more or less weight. Easy and not expencive.