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need advice on a really large wetsuit for a newbie

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New Member
Feb 25, 2004
Hi there, I am looking to get certified, and had planned to take the classes offered here in Southern California, but i have one little problem.. i'm 6'8" tall, and about 280lbs.

due to that, its pretty much impossible for me to find anything off the rack that will fit, let alone something i could rent. Well, anything that I have found at least. That's where you guys come in

Do any of you have suggestions on places (preferably in SoCal, but not ONLY in SoCal) to either rent something in my size, or a cheap(er) place to have it custom made? Maybe what kind of costs I should expect?

I don't mind putting a little money into it, it just sucks that I have to make a "commitment" before I even get to dive and find out if I enjoy it. Also, how thick should I go on the suit? I intend to mainly be diving in the Southern California area, and beyond that I would probably only go to warmer places. I'm a bit of a wuss about cold water

So, if any of you have any pointers to help me out, I'd really appreciate it

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