Did you not see my response to your thread entitled "best rubber fins"? I have copied it below.
I know of only one manufacturer of fins made from Brazilian natural rubber:
Cobra sub. This Brazilian company produces two models of fins, one medium-bladed, the other shorter-bladed:
Portuguese description: Pé-de-pato em borracha natural. Ajuste e conforto. Indicado para treinamentos de alto nível. O tamanho do pé indica o tamanho exato no pé-de-pato. Projetada na Itália e considerada por especialistas como uma das melhores nadadeiras de pala média do mundo. Sua matéria prima é a nobre borracha natural da Amazonia, que possui durabilidade e propriedades mecanicas incomparáveis. Perfeita para mergulho em geral, inclusive o autonomo e snorkeling. A preferida de corporações e operadoras de mergulho. Tamanhos: 38-40, 40-42, 42-44, 44-46, 46-48.
English Translation: Fin made from natural rubber. Comfortable fit. Recommended for high-level training. Foot size indicates exact fin size. Designed in Italy and considered by experts to be one of the best medium-bladed fins in the world. Its raw material is noble natural rubber from Amazonia, which has durability and incomparable mechanical properties. Perfect for diving in general, including scuba and snorkelling. A favourite with diving companies and operators. Sizes: 38-40, 40-42, 42-44, 44-46, 46-48.
Portuguese description: Nadadeira com pala curta, também fabricada com borracha natural da Amazonia, partilhando, portanto, de todas as virtudes desta refinada matéria prima. Destacase no mergulho em geral e snorkeling. Ideal para natação e hidroginástica. Ampla grade de tamanhos: 30-32, 32-34, 34-36, 36-38, 38-40, 40-42, 42-44, 44-46.
English translation: Fin with a short blade, also manufactured from natural rubber from Amazonia, sharing and bearing all the virtues of that refined raw material. Outstanding for diving in general and snorkelling. Ideal for swimming and aquagym. Wide range of sizes: 30-32, 32-34, 34-36, 36-38, 38-40, 40-42, 42-44, 44-46.