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need help with watch for spearfishing

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Yiannis Pengas

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Hi All

I am planning a purchase for a spearfishing watch
Confused as whats out there has pros & cons
I almost bought the suunto d4 but there are others such as the Mares / cressi edy etc that gave me food for thought
I essentially found out that the drawbacks on d4 were the "specialist" battery change and the "alarm" at min intervals not min & seconds as with other watches. so I am looking value for money. Some at the LIC suggested the D3 but 1- its discontinued and 2- its not that much cheaper when you do find it.
I need to decide v soon as I am flying for greece on friday and would like to have it for then

suggestions please