i'm in a hurry and need to quickly decide what suit config to order from elios and i don't have much internet access these days to search around here. so, please forgive me for that.
i'll be diving in the 40m range on exhale, no deep inhales with that suit, do quite some shallower stuff for fotography, or just mess around and generally need to stay warm (i'm cold very easily!). the nylon one way or another is a must for me, since i'll use the suit a lot and it needs to last for a while.
here's what i'm aiming at:
6mm jacket, super stretch nylon inside, smooth outside (or vica versa - undecided). 5mm waist-high pants, super stretch nylon outside, open cell inside.
what i have no idea of, is what type neopren (i'd prefer dense, but i don't know whether the reduced buoyance change is noticable).
also, can smooth outside neoprene be painted/printed? i'm envisioning a hawaiian-shirt design...
any advice will be appreciated.
i'm in a hurry and need to quickly decide what suit config to order from elios and i don't have much internet access these days to search around here. so, please forgive me for that.
i'll be diving in the 40m range on exhale, no deep inhales with that suit, do quite some shallower stuff for fotography, or just mess around and generally need to stay warm (i'm cold very easily!). the nylon one way or another is a must for me, since i'll use the suit a lot and it needs to last for a while.
here's what i'm aiming at:
6mm jacket, super stretch nylon inside, smooth outside (or vica versa - undecided). 5mm waist-high pants, super stretch nylon outside, open cell inside.
what i have no idea of, is what type neopren (i'd prefer dense, but i don't know whether the reduced buoyance change is noticable).
also, can smooth outside neoprene be painted/printed? i'm envisioning a hawaiian-shirt design...
any advice will be appreciated.