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needs help about italian to english translation.

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Jun 21, 2002
Could you translate this to english please?

Kit di Manutenzione

Contenuto: gr. 40 resina epoxy comp. A, gr 20 resina epoxy comp. B, 50 gr vernice poliuretanica monocomponente, n. 1 pennello, n. 2 guanti monouso, ml 1,000 carta abrasive, n. 1 bustina polvere addensante, n. 1 bustina polvere legno

Istruzioni per l’ uso:

Ritocchi su graffi superficiali: abrasivare la parte interessata fino a renderla opaca, ed applicare una mano di vernice poliuretanica.

Ricostruzione parti danneggiate: abrasive a fondo la zona interessata. Miscelare il quantitative necassario di resina epossidica, rispettando con attenzione le percentuali (due parti componente A, una parte componente B). Mescolare bene per almeno un minuto. Effettuare l’operazione in un locale ben areato. Applicare un quantitative sulla zona interessata. Utilizzare acetone per pulire il pennello. Dopo circa 20 minuti, preparare un nuovo quantitative di resina. Aggiungere al composto della polvere addensante, e della polveredi legno, fino ad ottenere una consistenza adeguata al lavoro da eseguire. Applicare il prodotto. Dopo 24 ore, ove necassario, si carteggi e si applichi unamano di vernice poliuretanica.

Riverniciatura: abrasivare tutto il fusto, fino a renderlo opaco. Verificare la necessita di eseguire ritocchi su graffi o scalfitture con resina epossidica, come sopra descritto. Ispezionare le sedi di vii o inserti, e se necessario trattare con resina epoxy leggermente additivata. Se e’ stato necessario l’intervento con resina, attendere 24 ore, e carteggiare di nuovo dove sono stati eseguiti I ritocchi. Applicare una mano di vernice poliuretanica. Sa necessario, dopo 24 ore, abrasivare leggermente, ed applicare una nuova mano di vernice.
Hey Murat, glad to see you're still with us :)

Just ran it through babelfish :head got this:

Kit di Manutenzione Contained: gr. 40 resin epoxy comp. To, gr 20 resin epoxy comp. B, 50 gr poliuretanica varnish monocomponent, n. 1 paint-brush, n. 2 gloves monouso, abrasive mililiter 1,000 paper, n. 1 bustina crowded powder, n. 1 bustina powder wood Instructions for the use: Ritocchi on superficial scratches: to abrasivare the part interested until rendering it opaque, and applying one poliuretanica varnish hand. Reconstruction you leave damaged: abrasive to bottom the interested zone. Miscelare quantitative the necassario of epoxy resin, respecting with attention the percentages (two parts member To, a component part B). To stir in order at least a minute well. To carry out the operation in a premises very areato. To apply quantitative ones on the interested zone. To use acetone in order to clean up the paint-brush. After approximately 20 minuteren, to prepare new quantitative ones of resin. To add to the compound of the crowded powder, and polveredi the wood, until obtaining one consistency adapted to the job to execute. To apply the product. After 24 hours, where necassario, correspondences and unamano of poliuretanica varnish is applied. Riverniciatura: to abrasivare all the stalk, until rendering it opaque. To verify needs it to execute ritocchi on scratches or scalfitture with epoxy resin, R-come.sopra described. To inspect the centers of ways or inserti, and if necessary to deal with leggermente additive added resin epoxy. If e' be necessary the participation with resin, to attend 24 hours, and to correspond of new where they have been you execute the ritocchi. To apply one poliuretanica varnish hand. It knows necessary, after 24 hours, to abrasivare leggermente, and to apply one new varnish hand.
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Sorry, it is some kind of detailed instructions on repairing wood or fiberglass.

It does say that you need:

1. A two part mix of resin apoxy. 40 grams of part 1 and 20 grams of part 2
2. 50 grams of polyurethane varnish
3. One paint brush
4. Two gloves
5. 1000 grit sandpaper
6. ???Powdered wood???

A. Sand the area that needs work
B. Mix the two part resins

Forget it. The list procedure is very complex and hard to follow.

Send spaghetti a PM. He can explain it in his perfect english!

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Here it is, Murat. As I told you, it's full of technical words whose english translation I had to check on my dictionary, which is not a technical dictionary. So it could be not the best technical translation, but I hope that the meaning will be clear. (In other words, it's not any better than Pastor's automatic translation rofl)
Maintenace kit
ingredient "A" for epoxy resin (40grams)
ingredient "B" for epoxy resin (20grams)
polyurethanic varnish mono-ingredient (50grams)
1 brush
2 monouse gloves
1 envelope of thickening powder
1 envelope of wood powder
Instructions for use
-How to mend minor superficial scratches
Rub with sandpaper the scratched area until it becomes opaque. Then spread on one hand of polyurethanic varnish.
-How to restore damaged partsRub deeply with sandpaper till opaque. Mix the two epoxy resin ingredients in the desired amount (just the little necessary, not the whole content), watching with care the proportions of the two (2 parts A ingredient, 1 part B ingredient). Mix them for at least one whole minute, doing it in aroom with open windows. When done, spread the epoxy mix on the area to be restored using the given brush. When done, clean the brush with acetone/varnish remover. After 20 minutes, make a second portion of epoxy mix, and add to it a little of the given thickening powder and wood powder, as much as to make the mix thick enough. When done, spread on the area to be restored. Let it rest for 24 hours, and then if necessary rub gently/slightly with sandpaper and spread on one hand of polyurethanic varnish.
-How to restore the varnish completely.
With sand paper rub away the old varnish from the whole gun (text says barrel, fusto, but I think they mean the whole gun) till opaque. Then verify if it's necessary to mend any scratches with epoxy resin as explained above. Inspect the holes of threads and if necessary treat with thickened epoxy. If this is necessary, do it and then wait 24 hours. The day after rub again with sandpaper the restored areas. Done this, spread on the whole barrel (or gun?) one hand of polyurethanic varnish. Wait 24 hours and if necessary give a second hand of plyurethanic varnish.
That's it.
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Thank you mate, really appreciate. It will help me a lot when had time to do it:)
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