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Nemo Wings Mono / Hyper leaderfins ???

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Shark 1980

New Member
Apr 20, 2007
Hello, I´m quite experienced freediver. Now I use C4 25´s and I´m happy with them, but I would like to try some monofin for deep diving. I consider Nemo Wings Watterway or Hyper (non-profesional) Leadefins. Which one is better? I suppose Hyper is better a little better, but also more expensive than Nemo... but Nemo is probably more convenient because of the nemo footpockets. Can you give me some advice?
Thank you
If you don't have any monofin yet, borrow one, that's the cheapest way :)

Personally I'm advicing beginners to buy a Waterway Classic Medium stiffness (Middle Distance) fin of medium size, (MD2) if your not taller than 1,90 m. It's a 'cheap' E 140,- fin that allows for easy manouvering, no boyancyloss, and firmly fitting pockets that don't collapase or widen under pressure. The only thing it it's lacking is a 30 degree footpocked to blade angle. - than it would be the perfect CW fin -

Practice you monofintechnique in the pool using normal fins and no fins to build strenght and devellope a good swimming technique. Stretch and gain more shoulder and back flexability. Finding someone who is a good finswimmer, or joining a finswimmer club is also very beneficial.

Whatever you do, don't buy a soft fin for depth because after the turn down there it will feel like a dragging towel swimming up, and that makes one think, "Oh shit! it's going to be fvcking long way up!".

Oh btw, you can taken down less lead down as your fin can easyly push through. Down there you'll discover the same thing applies, especially it you've a good from 'the back' technique.

Love, Courage and water,

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tried the hyper (non-pro) for a few 100 m's my impression is:

the footpockets are angled, very comfortable, and quite soft. Guarantied more comfortable than waterway (1, 2, 3 models) and at my opinion more comfortable than omer pockets, that I personally don't fit very well.

Comparing to the hyper pro that I normally use, the footpockets are made from softer material and the fin is also rather soft.

my conlusion: for the price it is a very nice fin, the softness in fin and pockets limits the perfomance - it is not made to swim fast - more like a cheaper version of the hyper pro.

The waterway 2 (which I've used for a few years) is a more powerfull fin, with less comfortable footpockets and no angle. You will be able to swim faster with it - but with less glide.

In freediving - speed is not the only parameter - I would go for the hyper - it will feel nicer on the foot and you will be able to swim with it for longer time = more fun
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Kaspermoth, maybe you need to put on more details about the fin you tested, particularly the stiffness of the fins you compare. I also own a Hyper from Leaderfins and i can tell you this is a very stiff fin, and i ordered a medium stiffnes. There is definetly more power in it than in my previous WW Model1 in soft.
this was a Leaderfins hyper medium, I found it softer than my waterway model 2 medium. It is my impression that Waterway fins are generally harder than comparable Leaderfins fins. More important is comfort of footpockets, I used my waterfin for 2-3 years with regular training, allways had to stop after 500-800m training due to discomfort.
Thank you for advices,
I ordered the cheaper one Nemo Wings watterway (or the start and training at pool) and in future maybe I would like to buy Glide fin as expensive monofin for deep diving in open watter.