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nemrod clipper 1 how old

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Active Member
Nov 25, 2007
just bought a nemrod clipper 1 mid handled pnumatic,the gun is 27 inch and the shaft is 24 inch ,the pistol grip is orange,now i know nemrod went bust a few years ago, just wondered how old it is,looks like its only been used once,has any one used one of these,and how powerfull are they, any info any one ,thanks
I have a user manual for the Clipper series, cover mini to the 3. No date on it, but I have a old Nemrod catalog 1971 with just Galleon pneumatics listed. Nemrod went under about 1997 with the updated Clipper still available, changed color to black handle metal kind of gray, changed handle to finger grooves and not so fat. Parts are hard to come by, but I still use the orange handle 1 for most of my hunting, I'm in Washington State.

Hi, if your gun looks like this, and still shoots well, you're going to hammer many good sized fish. I've found that even if no rebuild kit is available. the O rings needed to stop air leaks can be found locally. Store pneumatics muzzel down,so the oil lubricates the piston.
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Hi, I still have and use my first Nemrod I bought early 70's a Mariner 2. Your picture of the orange handle style is like some of mine. I have one old mid handle 3 band gun and 18 other pneumatics. Pneumatics styles are Comando, Bucanero, Corsario, Galeon 1 & 2, all the orange Clippers mini to 3 and the last clippers of 1997 mini to 2, and 2 Mariner 2's. Last count I have 18 pneumatics that function and hold max power. Seems a bit much but when Nemrod went out of business I started buying guns and parts to keep myself going. Piston o ring is the only part I'm having trouble with finding. Thanks for the picture, I will post some of mine later today, got a digital camera last year so time to put it to good use.

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