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Neutral Bouyancy sooner for CB?

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New Member
Mar 2, 2002
Why so little weight for deep dives? Would putting on a few more pounds of lead help or hurt? Does anyone go by the following theory? (assuming you're in competition conditions with safety divers around) Seems to me if I was neutral at six or ten feet I could get under and on my way down with only a slight push. The heart rate drops quicker, less oxygen is used, you drop faster. Then at the turn around you've got more o2 reserved, you're more relaxed and able to pump back up to the surface.

I've been spear fishing over weighted for so long the extra buoyancy of CB seems like a bother. I'll try it if you safety for me.

Well just from a theoretical point of view (since I haven't any real experience with it), the problem is that you then need to carry all this extra weight back up, and you need to carry it up farther before you become positive again. Any O2 you saved on the decent may be squandered just by the effort of halting your decent and starting back up. You also get less of a free ride when you're closing on the surface and in danger of SWB.

I'd say the reason is that psychologically, it is much easier to overcome extra buoyancy on the way down, than fight extra negative buoyancy on the way up. Assuming that you are nearing your limit on the way up, do you really want that extra effort and discomfort of "pushing" your way to the surface? When I started, I dove heavy and felt pretty scared at times trying to fight my way up.

I dive pretty light. Only 6lbs for a 5mm suit, 2-3lbs for a 3mm suit. This came from my early difficulties with equalizing: with more weight 10-12lbs, I often sank faster than I could equalize, and when my ears got stuck, I would feel panic setting in as I kept sinking. That's no longer a problem, but I still like the easy ride up and the knowledge that if I black out a 20m I'll be neutral and at 15m I'll slowly float to the surface. Also wearing a lot of weight makes it harder for your buddy to rescue you. Unless he or she remembers to take off your weight belt.

Don't forget that in super deep dives, psychology is everything.

Many good points Pete. Most convincing. I've had all the same sensations, but I learn very slowly.
It's definitely a mind thing in the crucial moments. I'm going to try a couple drops to comfortable depths each way and compare.
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