Tm Ecott, author of Neutral Buoyancy, (see review-
Will be talking about his book and selling copies at the Richmond Literary Festival on Wednesday the 7th November at York House in Twickenham at 8PM.
This talk will be a fascinating one and worth going to.
To book tickets, call the Richmond Tourist Information Office on 0208 940 9125. Tickets are £7 and £5 cons.
I'll be there supporting him and some of the other deeperblue staff may come too.
Will be talking about his book and selling copies at the Richmond Literary Festival on Wednesday the 7th November at York House in Twickenham at 8PM.
This talk will be a fascinating one and worth going to.
To book tickets, call the Richmond Tourist Information Office on 0208 940 9125. Tickets are £7 and £5 cons.
I'll be there supporting him and some of the other deeperblue staff may come too.