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New Buddy Locator Device

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2001

Seems to me this would be the ultimate device to find your buddy and know where he is, as long as you stay within 500m of each other. It seems in fact that this would be far more useful to freedivers than to scuba divers.

I should say so too. IMHO the existing one-up-one-down buddy system sucks, you have no idea where your partner is, and would only find him way to late. Spearos (me included) are worse, heading of any which way looking for fishies. This device, and/or the freedivers saftey vest, will (guessing) save half the lives that are now being lost. Come on, get these things to market. I'll buy 'em, promise.
That sure is a great idea. BUT as you said Eric "My experience from trying to sell to the freediving market: don't bother, you will lose money, no matter how good your idea is. Freedivers are among the cheapest of all consumers, they expect something for nothing. Most freedivers will not even use a new piece of gear, if you give it to them for free."
Little bit of contradictory thinking there mate? :)
Very cool device. I would consider getting it for my self and my wife.


Seems to me this would be the ultimate device to find your buddy and know where he is, as long as you stay within 500m of each other. It seems in fact that this would be far more useful to freedivers than to scuba divers.

Considering recent events in Florida I think welcomed with open arms by the scuba spearos down there. Very cool
Very nice!
You can even send massages to your buddy. (If you really want to do this)

But how expensive will this be?????

Anyway a nice savetydevice for deepdiving without a lanyard!

Sorry mates could not resist, firstly we have this one...
BUT as you said Eric "My experience from trying to sell to the freediving market: don't bother, you will lose money, no matter how good your idea is. Freedivers are among the cheapest of all consumers, they expect something for nothing. Most freedivers will not even use a new piece of gear, if you give it to them for free."
A few posts later we have this one
But how expensive will this be?????
Ironic me thinks but hey it is something to consider, afterall we dont all have small vaults below our nightstands do we.

It is a very nice device but for freediving specifically spearing Id like to be able to take away the messaging, surely you dont want to receive a sms while aiming on that elusive big one, also when experiencing SWB symptoms your probably gonna be too far gone allready to be able to push a button. Instead of the messaging Id perhaps add a automatic sos timer that goes off to your buddies when you dont survace after a set time. Then they can use the tracking setting to find you... Just a thought :)
Did they ever find that poor lady who got lost off Florida???
No mate, something like this during the initial few minutes of the search might have made all the difference and offered closure to her family
@ deep thinker,

o.k., perhaps my post seems funny, but i was just interested in the price.
if a freediving gadget is worth its money, i buy it.

but as you have allready stated, who needs the sms function?
scuba divers? ("look the fish there" - " where?" - "there?"rofl)

so i think it will have some functions, i dont need, but i have to pay for.

does anyone know the price?

greetings from a poor manrofl
Would be very useful in competitions for the safety organisation too...Safety scuba-divers could communicate with the surface and give little status updates. As well as the diver could notify the organisation of problems (stuck lanyard etc). Buddyphones etc don't work that well in all conditions...

It doesn't say anything about depth rating?

Some fuel for the flaming debate of the tag-rule :) How about in no-fins disciplines, the diver just needs to hit the "distress button" of the device, which is situated at the bottom plate? Then swim back up :)
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@ deep thinker,

o.k., perhaps my post seems funny, but i was just interested in the price.
if a freediving gadget is worth its money, i buy it.

but as you have allready stated, who needs the sms function?
scuba divers? ("look the fish there" - " where?" - "there?"rofl)

so i think it will have some functions, i dont need, but i have to pay for.

does anyone know the price?

greetings from a poor manrofl

I would like to know the price myself mate. Handy devises like that is allways good to have but if its too expensive to fit my budget itll have to wait like alot of other things I want :)
Quite an interesting gadget indeed! Including the messaging. Sure, you won't send or receive SMS while underwater, but do not forget you may need to tell something to your buddy when on the surface. Not always you can easily communicate by voice or signals with your buddies, so the messaging is certainly quite an important safety feature too.

Additionally, they write the device allows uploading own software (like the functionality of a regular diving computer), so adding timers, alarms, triggering the SOS signal if staying underwater over given time, etc -all this is easily possible. And because it has a rather big graphic display and also a compass, one could add many other functions not even available in common freediving watches - dive profile analysis, 3D dive maps and itineraries, etc.
Wonderful concept, but not directly on point for freedivers needs. If that could be fixed with software, great, But I'm with deepthinker, a smaller, simpler device targeted at freedivers would be closer to my needs. Having done some of my first dark water diving latelly, the locater function looks very enticing.

Any technology which can potentially save lives is most welcome. It is soul-destroying to hear about divers/freedivers/spearos losing their lives to the sea. I hope more companies invest in ways to protect those who go forth into the sea.
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