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new diver

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Phantom diver

New Member
Oct 9, 2003
hello everyone
:waterwork- just getting started with scuba again and finding it somewhat frustrating. So many different training facilities and so many opinions.... :confused: ..I dove for the good old USA Navy in the late 70's and now everything has changed somewhat:t ...But living near Daytona Beach helps...I am curious, I have a buddy but he sometimes has to work... I have quite a bit of free time and wondered where I might find someone who is just getting started to buddy with....Any help would be greatly appreciated. My email is pstanley3@cfl.rr.com..
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wondered where I might find someone who is just getting started to buddy with


My suggestion would be to hook up with a reputable shop in your area and go on a couple of local dive trips with them. I expect you will find someone else in the same boat as you with similar experience, skills and training. Another option is to take a "rusty diver/dive skills tune up" type of course. Both options tend to be very low cost and will get you in touch with people looking for buddies. A good side benefit is that you will get to know people who you can turn to for help with equipment maintenance, purchase or rental. Antoher good option is a local dive club which usually will sponsor local dive events and funtions. With both, if you don't like the first one you try there will be others in your area and one is bound to suit your fancy.

Good luck and be safe.

Thanks Joe I really appreciate the information...it is just so hard getting started into scuba again after 30years out....
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