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New European Union Legislation Proposal for 1 Bass per day (2015)

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"A new set of measures are proposed for the protection of the stock of seabass in the North East Atlantic. In June 2014, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) released scientific advice on this stock, which has been in rapid decline since 2012. Furthermore, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisherires (STECF) considered that in general current national measures for the protection of seabass have proved ineffective. Seabass is a late maturing and slow growing species whose fishing mortality currently quadruples the levels maximum sustainable yield (MSY) levels. In view of the worrying situation of this stock, which could be on the verge of collapse, fishing opportunities are proposed in the form of fishing effort and catch limits, which should target the main sources of fishing mortality, i.e. pelagic trawling and recreational fishing. This includes a new Annex IIE to the proposed regulation, which is to be completed with information being sought from Member States."


"Article 12 Recreational fisheries for seabass...For recreational fisheries in ICES divisions IVb, IVc, VIIa, VIId, VIIe, VIIf, VIIg and VIIh, a bag limit of one seabass per person per day shall apply."

Annex IIE... http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1415887481094&uri=CELEX:52014PC0670

If approved in December 2014 these new measures... will become enforceable/law on the 1st January 2015...

If you would like to write to your local MEP to express your views regarding this legislation you can do so very easily here... https://www.mysociety.org/contact-your-meps/?gclid=CKv8l5KZ-MECFYvpwgodu2EALg
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The European Angling Alliance EU Parliament lobbyists are opposed to this legislation and a response including recommended solutions to diminishing Europen Seabass stocks has been published below...


  • EAA_bass_position_June2014.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 288
According to my sources the French with drew and the single bass per fisherman angler or spearo was not passed , but they have agreed to discuss this further in 2015 so keep complaining to your MEP and signing petitions .
Just eaten my last bass from last season it was delicious !!
Best regards
Latest news from our friends in the EU daily bass per diver /fisherman per day has been passed at three.
Devon has also local permits for scallops and lobster takes.
New restrictions on commercial trawling and netting of BASS before the end of April to allow reproduction .
Its unclear if this means no taking Bass before the end of April by other means including angling and spearfishing.
A fair restriction in light of the decline in stocks.
The 3 bass per diver per day limit was made law yesterday by the EU. 27/03/2015
Lets hope this helps rebuild the stocks quickly. Anglers are covered by this as well .
Reactions: E-P
I can't seem to find much on the net, but you are saying that there is now a three bass per person limit throughout the Uk?
What about commercial limits?
Whether it rolls out in full effect is yet to be seen, but I don't think it will impact greatly for the average spearo. 3 bass per outing is probably more than most average guys bag anyway, would be a shame to have a red letter day and end prematurely. It may well hit the charter boats hard, as I'm not sure how many anglers would pay £70-£100 for a days bassing and only take 3. What sort of enforcement, if any,could there be for the inshore gill netters, or is it only aimed at anglers?
I have always caught more bass spearfishing than rod fishing but my combined effort during the hay days of the 80s & 90s would result in about 100 bass a year .. or two a week. I might of been able to catch more but that was about the limit of what I (we) wanted to eat!
Of course there were other equally desirable fish to catch like plaice & now they seem to be even more scarce than bass... I wonder if there will be more restrictions coming......
Below is the information given to announce that the Council adopts measures to help sea bass to recover.

(26/03/2015) The Council has adopted measures to help sea bass recover. For recreational fishing, which accounts for 25% of sea bass mortality, the decision will mean the introduction of a limit of three fish per day per angler. Learn more about sea bass with our infographic (available in English and in French).

Sea bass is a very valuable fish, on which many fishermen, especially small fishing enterprises, depend. With over 1.3m recreational anglers in France and another 800 000 in the UK, many thousands of jobs also depend on recreational fishing.

Recent scientific analyses have reinforced previous concerns about the state of the stock and advised urgently to reduce fishing by 80%. We are witnessing a rapid decline of sea bass that risks leading to a collapse if no action is taken.

The daily limit on recreational catches complements the emergency measures which the Commission adopted earlier this year, and which targeted pelagic fisheries.

The Commission has previously taken such emergency measures to protect vulnerable stocks, most recently with anchovy in the Bay of Biscay.
Doesn't apply in Jersey and Guernsey until they decide to do something. In Jersey, we have fought it off. Not because we think 3 bag limit is wrong, but because we aren't EU and, the big AND, discriminatory 3 bag limit for recreational anglers and spearo's,(aside from recreational netters and anyone selling/licence or NOT) and no commercial measures at all is simply crazy. The recreational sector were simply 'asleep' through this and, you were NOT represented at these meetings with any solidarity nor the people you would imagine would have fought it.

Sad state of affairs.
Agreed, but over 2000 spearos here and in France petitioned the EU. If apathy was not an issue ,perhaps we could have got more done to address the damaging commercial fishing methods. Glad to see Jersey making their own decisions.
The point I was making is BASS lumped us with being responsible for 25% mortality in the EU as the recreational sector. The figures were 800,000 recreational sea anglers/spearos etc and 1.9 million in the EU.

Some did fight. But a tiny percentage by the numbers, which, we as members of BASS demanded were contested and yet, they were not.
I have since had my say and parted company. They are taking money and painting hope under false pretence. They never even attended a single meeting.
Saw a poster about this proposed new limit on a notice board while on holiday on Gower, S. Wales earlier this month - I forget where but possibly at Llangeneth (or maybe Caswell/Oxwich/Mumbles). I think the proposed limit was 3 bass per day for recreational anglers. It didn't overly concern me because (a) I wouldn't want to take more than 3 bass in a day, (b) the chance would be a fine thing and (c) bass is only one of several species I target, and not even my favourite (although it might be a close runner up! ). However, personally I don't think it will have any positive benefit - and it smacks of tokenism - but it doesn't seem that harmful, other than perhaps being "the thin end of the wedge".

When you think about how few active spearos there are in the UK & how sh!tty the weather/visibility usually is it becomes apparent what a spit in the ocean it is compared to the tons of fish taken by each trawler in European waters, every day that isn't blowing a force 10 gale (they often stay out in force 9 and below gales these days).
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