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New guy ~ help please.

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New Member
Dec 3, 2005
hello there, i'm matthew and i'm 15 years old. i'm going to make a long story short,lol, i've always been able to hold my breath for extraordanry time. ever since Gold Fish lessons at the pool where you did bobs for five seconds, i did them for 20 seconds. the teachers always freak out right now, i'm 15 years old and i have read a lot about static whatever when you hold your breath underwater or on the land. ususally i practice holdingmy breath while listing to music. ever seen a month ago my longest time was 2:15ish, but i've been practicing now and then, and i now can hold my breath for 3:30. i think it's pretty darn good . i'm guessing i was born with a gift.. or whatever you would like to call it that i can hold my breath longer or more simple i feel more comfortible holding my breath. i think it's a thrill! i don't know where to go now, this is my problem. i just don't know what to do?? i heard the world record is 8munites, but that's pro...should i go to a clinic and get help there or can i do this by myself? i only hold my breath on land because i don't have anyone really watching me... and i can get my breath back very easily so i don't thank it's to danguouse. i hear 'air packing' which i think i can do? it's like you take your bigest breath adn then you get more air.. it pack it down it seems like. after awhile it does hurt from presser so i don't do that really and i figure it's not a good idea :duh. i just.. i guess i need guidence for what to do? like a trainer or simply ideas? people say you should look for you limits when you hold you breath. the time i did 3:30 it was getting to be like a black out where everything truns black slowly,feel my pulse a lot more, and it felt easier... and a lot of contractions lol! my questions is: if i do that again and go PAST that is that bad? i think i will become unconscious or could i avode that? i would also like to know how to decreese my heart rate which is key. i can't hold my breath whenever im exited since it makes it harder.... hear pumps more and i lose oxygen.. so i susually try t o hold my breath when im about to go to sleep or when i'm watching T.V. i heard meditaion will calm yourself which i would like to get into.. but i just dont know how ()-a. well if anyone could help me with one or all of my problem i guess i would like that very much. thanks a lot and i'm sooo glad i found this fourm. well that short sotry is kind of long, but i hope you can understand.

hi Matthew
how are you? thanks for your posting... you can post your freediving queries here
Beginner Freediving
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/forumdisplay.php?f=60"]Beginner Freediving[/ame]

or if you have a techniques question you may post it here...
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/forumdisplay.php?f=15"]Freediving Training & Techniques[/ame]

I don't know how many members we have of your age but i am sure a lot of the veterans would love to give you advice.

Welcome to DB and happy posting...
w00t w00t

okay thanks a lot island i'm just a little confused about everything but hopefuly i'll be able to sort what's a myth about free diving and the effects and what is not. hope you have a great daY!@

Hi Xyser,

Welcome to DB. Sounds like you have good natural ability to resist high levels of C02. Thats good, but you will need to be careful in the water. Don't try any of this stuff in the water alone. Dry statics are fine, hard to hurt yourself, but a buddy is necessary in the water. Its late here so I will get specific on some things to try tomorrow.

hi mathew,

first off, respect for your static times. that's very good. sounds like you are really motivated.
if you have the possibility to attend a clinic somewhere i'd surely recommend that. also you might find some freedivers in your area. practising with a trained buddy is a requirement. doing breath-holds dry poses little risk if you don't find anyone. as connor mentioned you have seemingly good tolerance to high co2 levels. which in a way is good, on the other hand you will be able to push yourself closer or even past a bo easier. that's not so good. a very important aspect in freediving is developing awarenes and learning to interpret signs and signals of your body as you don't ever wnat to black out. this learning process will take a long time but eventually you will be better able to evaluate your own condition as well as other influencing factors. the benefits are huge. your diving will be a lot safer, since you have a better idea where your limit is, also your diving efficiency will increase much more. these are some major advantages.
safe freediving and sensible progression all take time. this is where some degree of maturity and common sense come in. if you just start out i'd recommend you practise regularly, larn how to relax and be focused. don't worry about packing or other advanced techniques. these might become useful after you have sorted out the basics first. the results will follow without pushing it. don't make a number your goal as this will only slow your progression and you might get frustrated too soon.

it's not true that training makes perfect. what's true is that perfect training makes perfect ;-)

welcome to db.

Hi XyseR,

You sound so much like me at 15, it's hilarious. Too bad DB didn't exist then.

Here is a specific suggestion for dry statics:

To get you heart rate down and relax, use a breathing pattern like 1 sec inhale, 5 sec hold, 20 second exhale. Vary the exhale to what is comfortable. A few minutes of that and you should be a wet noodle. Then take 4-5 relaxed but fast breaths and hold. This starts you out with a relatively high CO2 level. Hold till you feel hypoxic, preferably before any shaking, tunnel vision, etc. Any sign of that, stop. Learn what it feels like before that point. Do a series of 4 or 5 breath holds, about 3 days a week and you should see in increase in times without bringing on any samba-like symtoms. You will also begin to get a feel for what is happening inside your body, a major part of freediving. There are lots of other approaches to relaxed breathups. Use the search function to find them. Whichever, stick with one for long enough to guage your progress.

In general, learn to use the knowledge in the forums. Take your time, theres lots of it. Recognize that some of the stuff here is posted by extremely advanced divers, way beyond either of us. It will be a little confusing at first, but it will come.

Rolands advice is excellent.

Let us know how you progress.

immerlustig and cdavis i want to thank you so very much i don't know how to quite say it. you have explained everything so easy but it tells the whole story well i can do a 13-15 second exhale which is getting there! i think my major problem is not relaxing which i will later become much better at it. few weeks ago when i really started to get into this i was feeling my heart pounding while holding my breath and i thought 'gezz.. that's a lot of work and i bet its decreessing my time' few days latter i found that right before going to bed i am the most relaxed. so now i ususally get my max times then, but i hope to be able to relax my body with out having to be too tired and using techquies like the inhale,hold,exhale, method.

just wanna give a big THANKS to everyone who has been so nice.

-Matt ^_^
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