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Commentary New Introductory Freediving eBook Released

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
A brand new Freediving eBook has been released on iTunes today. “Freediving” is an easy to read, beginners guide, ebook available for iPads, iPhones, iPod Touch and Mac’s that was developed by AIDA President Kimmo Lahtinen as well as Simo Kurra and Ari Nissinen. Kimmo Lahtinen recently spoke to DeeperBlue.com about the book: The origins […]

Read the original post on DeeperBlue.com...
Perhaps have a list of content?

Will it be available for people who do not own Ios devices?

There is a preview version in iTunes that allows you to browse the first 10 or so pages, including the table of contents.

Certainly we plan to make it available in other formats as well, but breaking ground with iBooks first.

Also a slight correction to the original article, perhaps a bit of "lost in translation" there, but I would not say we aimed to do something that allows "people to dive safely after a few hours of reading", that would be pretty arrogant of us. Rather, something that those who are participating in a course and etc could do a few hours of "extra credit" type of reading on if they've really got the bug. In other words, I don't think this (or any other) book is a substitute to proper education etc, but hopefully interesting supplemental material that gives new ideas, reinforces a safety oriented culture and all in all is fun to read.
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Thanks for the clarifications.
Can you tease us with a couple of those new ideas?
Thanks for the clarifications.
Can you tease us with a couple of those new ideas?

I hope this is not a huge letdown, but there is nothing "revolutionary" in there, I mean like a radical new technique or method that no one has ever heard of that will improve your performance by an order of a magnitude :) We've just tried to package what is currently (from our point of view) the sort of generally accepted phenomena around freediving and do it in a concise, logical and readable way (accompanied by lot's of nice photos). Building up from the very basics into what would be considered "advanced" in the course curriculum. It's mostly aimed at people who know little or nothing and want to learn more, or are in the beginning of their journey and want to absorb "everything" around diving (like I was once upon a time). Kind of the book I wish I had before diving into the depths of internet.

But it does not go very deep into details of controversial or experimental techniques and theories - this was intentionally scoped out.

What I'm getting at with this long rant is that for someone with your experience (which I'm well aware of), there might not be that much details or things you did not already know of. But maybe you would find something in the general "story" of how it is presented, or an appealing idea, different angle at looking at things - or ultimately just find it entertaining to read.

Hope I did not make that sound too boring and scare off any potential readers :)
So something instructors and experienced freedivers to can recommend their passionate students to read after a nice freediving day, or maybe in anticipation of an upcoming freediving course :) Could it be used as course material too?

From what I see on the site and Lehman is reporting it has a nice presentation. Good to see new and up to date information finding it's way to the market!
So something instructors and experienced freedivers to can recommend their passionate students to read after a nice freediving day, or maybe in anticipation of an upcoming freediving course :)

Exactly, you nailed it.

As for being education material, certainly that was originally one of the main goals, that it would be useful in that context. But it's also designed to work as a standalone piece and loosely coupled to any specific education standards, although understandably clearly complementing AIDA's curriculum, as that is our background.
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