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New mask time. Any suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2012
Great. Budget of around £40 for a new mask.
Any suggestions?
new mask for freediving or for spearo?
what do you have in the prezent?
For both if possible.
The one I had will be somewhere in the bottom of the Bristol Channel by now pissed me off so much the last time I used it. Was a cheaply thing I used for Scuba diving, but it served me well up until the day I threw it away.

I'm Freediving in Icelnd in April so this mask will be used for that and also spearfishing around the UK and also other trips abroad I plan to go on.

So basically an all rounder. I've found a good guide here: Freedive Masks- How to Pick the Right One » Freedive Blog
technisub is good
cressi is good

do know how deep you wanna go but, ussualy the free mask are low volume and the spearo must have some field of view, they have not so low volume...

i use for free my cressi minima wich is a good mask [not the best , but good]
for spearo i use cressi penta but i guess that cressi panorama is better...

I have the Cressi Evolution Big Eyes & I find it a lot better than my first mask that was probably a bit on the small side.
Has good visibility to the bottom due to the upside down tear-drop type lens. Low volume, silicon skirt for good seal around the face, silicone strap, quick release strap buckle. Also came with a plastic protective case.
I was looking at the Big Eyes too. They seem to have good reviews too, and only aut £30ish. Not bad

Also, would the minima be any good for spearing?
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I did loads of research and got one of these:

Oceanic Shadow

25% off at the moment so a good bargin. Lovely looking mask and very well made. I like the Neoprene strap and massive field of view.

I think I remember DafyddRees saying that he had a Cressi BigEyes and it was shockingly bad.
That's a nice mask Broseidon. Is it a frameless one?
I second Broseidons suggestion. I bought one for £30 a couple years back at a dive exhibition and have never had any problems, low internal volume but retains a really good field of vision. I have an Omer alien as well, but I find the separate lenses a little small after being used to the superior vision the large single lens shadow provides.
Hope you find the right mask for you
I'm definitely sold on the Oceanic Shadow. I will get one of these. The strap looks great too! Bargain at a tenner less than than my budget.
the minima is not so good for spearing but can be used...
the advantage of minima is when you hunt at depts bellow ~15m
very low volume and despite her little lenses, because they are near the eyes than on the regular mask, the field of view is not so small...
but if you spear at depths between 0 and ~15m, minima is not so very good
I'm definitely sold on the Oceanic Shadow. I will get one of these. The strap looks great too! Bargain at a tenner less than than my budget.

Glad I could help mate!

Just out of interest, did you try spearing at Langland over the Summer?
For spearfishing and freediving i must recommend Technisub Micromask or its clones like Spetton MiniMax (i own it, good and cheap) or Immersion clone. Superb field of view (definately better than scuba masks), very low volume - best all-round mask.
I use Omer Zero3 now, if it fits then its very good. I did comfortably 20m dive without compensating!
Not as good FOV like Micromask, but also good. Third choice would be Sporasub Mystic.
In my opinion those framless masks are bulls###, unless you dive max 10m. They aint better than Micromask, in every aspect.

Good luck
Fair point actually Martin, I should maybe have mentioned that I have only tested my oceanic shadow to maybe 10-12 meters max whilst spearfishing. Field of view is more important than minimal volume when spearing at those depths, maybe Broseidon has gone deeper and comment on its performance there? I much prefer it to my Omer Alien in any case..
Minimal volume + good design= bigger field of view
Not last summer no, tried it a few weeks ago and the vis was just redicolous.

The viz in the winter is always horrific! I remember many days spent snorkelling in great viz in the summer though - I recon there could be some great spearing there. Big kelp beds on the left of the bay, rocks and bladderwrack on the right of the bay. There were always a lot of edible crabs around too.

Watch our for currents though - see if you can get some local info on those - I had to be rescued by the coast guard once... I was only 8 though rofl
You used to live around here did you?
I've only gotten into spearfishing over the last 12 months really and that's only managing to get out even a few times. I'm still assembling people to go with and a regular location. I think Langland will be it when I finally master it properly. How far out would I need to be going off the left hand Side?
Minimal volume + good design= bigger field of view

Lol, well it is advertised as very low volume and I think the design is good!
How come you hate frameless masks? I can't see a problem aside from possibly being a little weaker than 2 smaller lenses? please enlighten me,I'm interested.