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New Mentors and Team Leaders

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Stephan Whelan

Papa Smurf
Staff member
Jan 7, 1999
Hi everyone - just a quick note to let you know about some changes to the Mentors and Team Leaders here at DB Forums.

Firstly i'm pleased to announce the following are now going to be Team Leaders:In addition i've invited the followin members to join the team as Mentors:Join me in congratulating everyone on their new positions and helping to make this community what it is today.
I assume a Mentor is what is known as a Moderator elsewhere. What is a Team Leader?
I think mentors are supposed to moderate by example rather than by moderation whereas team leaders are just moderators with a bigger ego ;)
Congratulations to all the new team leaders and mentors. If DB were a democracy and the nominations were subjected to vote I would have voted for all of them, but I would also had proposed as a mentor and voted for perhaps the most amiable, popular and cooperative member of this forum (right there with Island Sands and Sarge), our common friend, whose user name is (more or less) sinonymous with macaroni, noodles and tortellini. :)
I think mentors are supposed to moderate by example rather than by moderation whereas team leaders are just moderators with a bigger ego ;)

Team Leaders moderate by their silence. They use mind control, subversive, but it does go unnoticed! rofl
Team Leaders moderate by their silence. They use mind control, subversive, but it does go unnoticed! rofl

Subversive eh? :) We do our best, but what people do tend to forget sometimes that we are also human and make mistakes, say the wrong thing..... :eek:
Team Leaders moderate by their silence. They use mind control, subversive, but it does go unnoticed! rofl
rofl I wondered what that noise was in my ear, I thought it was the missus nagging rofl
Congratulations to all the new team leaders and mentors. If DB were a democracy and the nominations were subjected to vote I would have voted for all of them, but I would also had proposed as a mentor and voted for perhaps the most amiable, popular and cooperative member of this forum (right there with Island Sands and Sarge), our common friend, whose user name is (more or less) sinonymous with macaroni, noodles and tortellini. :)

Congratulations Jon, BennyB, Pastor, Sanso, and Adrian!

I second that, Josedesucre.
Thanks to all the unofficial team leaders and mentors, too, in addition to all the officials! Cheers to all.
Respect to all new mentors and team leaders, :) i just have one questions (seriously), what the difference between a mentor and a team leader in this forum..and for the team leaders, which teams are you leading? the titles always puzzled me thats all, thats why i ask..
Team Leaders are simply Mentors who have more across the board permissions and more experience from being Mentors over a longer time period. Any doubts as to what to do in a particular case are reffered to the Team Leaders. The setup is great though, and opinions balance out quite nicely, hopefully leading to a moderated moderation. :D
Looking at Jon, I thought Team Leader was someone who takes diving team and leads them into the abyss...
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