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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 3, 2016
Hello All,
Semi-retired and long-ago speargun hunter. With a long history of woodworking, I am attempting to build spearguns for a son who is a commercial diver. I literally have no experience making spearguns and am educating myself to the successes and problems of other DIY's. I am thinking along the designs of Riffe guns (incorporating some aspects of both euro and US styles) with maybe some of my own thoughts mixed in. It looks like fun and who knows, maybe sell one or two for giggles. Maybe I'll join my son on some of his dives and get back in the hunt.


Posted same in introduction forum. Will copy to this forum. Hope everything comes through.
Sorry for not getting back sooner, but have made some progress. Lots of other things going on in life have kept me from the board. I am nearing the end of my first gun and will post some pic's. Please let me know what y'all think. Good and bad. Can't post but 10 pic's, so there's more to come. Gun is vertically laminated 1/4" teak. Epoxy is Raka 900 with 350 hardener and silicate for thickening agent. Trigger is Neptonics reverse. Bands are 5/8" x 28" spectra x 3. Spear is Neptonics 65" SS spring.


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Still have a lot of finish work to do, and then tung oil. Maybe some better pic's when finished.


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LAST FOR NOW. Will update when finished.
View attachment 42136
Hey All,
I routed the line over the top of the gun (suggestion made by Spearq8 on other board that line angle looked wrong). I've finished it with tung oil and will be ready to rock as soon as I put a rest stop anchor on left side of barrel.
Looks great, have you tried balancing the gun in the water?
Looks great, have you tried balancing the gun in the water?
Hello Foxfish,
Thanks. No, not yet. I ordered new bulk band materials and tip last night and will have to wait. This thing is a bear to load. OR, I'm just getting old... ) The bands are 5/8" x 28" over 130cm distance to the first tab, and I think they are a bit too short. They should probably be 32". I could put it in my pool, but without everything fitted, I would probably be wasting my time. Can't wait to get it in the water. I'll let you know how things go.

You might need a fair bit of lead to get her nice and neutral in the water?
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