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New Picasso Railgun

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Jun 13, 2003

I've now heard from several people about picasso's new railgun.
Anybody have a link to some more info. or a picture??


Century Pacific

tube diameter is 32mm, integral rail, adjustable balance with lead balls, sizes 100-110-120-130-140.
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Thanx guys!!!!

Now this is starting to get interesting. From the links i see that picasso has a new gun called the Century Pacific. It has a rail, can't see from the pictures whethers it is a stick on or extruded. No matter, it does have a rail, circular bands (yippeeeee), and looks like a dyneema wishbone (about time too!!!!!), as well as a low profile muzzle.

They've also built a wooden gun, similar to the Master America, but i think the master america still looks much nicer!!!!

Can't wait to get my grubby paws on one of those new picasso's. Am dying to see how they compare to my Rabitechs and C4.

Look closely at the muzzle you can then see that it is a rail intergrated into the barrel


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hi Miles,

Sorry to disappoint you... but there’s no dynema wishbone, only brass wishbones.
The shaft "cover" on the muzzle is removable...has to the shaft guide I cant tell...even from the bigger pictures I have in magazines. Maybe stick on like the "atlas"...but I could be wrong.

The woody is a strange thing, the ads that I have say that it's an open muzzle made directly in the barrel like one of the pictures in the catalog but the "big picture" has an euro muzzle!

It sure looks ugly with those nails in the muzzle...

they have two wood model of guns, one of them has carbon tube in it:confused: :confused: I can't see what is the benefits of puting carbon tune into the barell. It says its lighter but the reason for most speros whoes choosing wood is the recoil reducing mass and balance of the gun so why one want to make already light and balanced wood gun even lighter?

In my opinion the best advantage of century pacific is 32mm wall diameter (cheap solution who can not like carbon barells) and adjustable balance. Hovewer i think alluminium barell gun should be already negative, so there should be some floatation parts as well:confused:
I have spoken to Allessandro picasso himself and he said that the extruded rail on the 32mm barrel make it as stiff as a normal carbon tube.

The muzzle can be ballasted with lead weights but not sure if this will rattle or not.

I had one in my hand the other day and let me tell you, they look good. The bands and wishbones are threaded as it seems euro spearos can't be arsed tying bands themselves

They have made a couple of wooden gun. One with open muzzle and the other is with the Century muzzle.

I have been promised by Picasso that they will give me one of the new guns in exchange for a chunk of fresh tuna this summer. :D

I was also assured that the gun was neutrally bouyant and that the ballast control was included for use of double bands and/or thicker shafts.

Cost is about 190 Euros same as the Century Carbono

hey shane, how the things doing? Did you sort your tuna gear ready?

190 is expensive for my opinion if it were carbon then it was ok for that price. But i don't know there should be something special about this gun. Shane let us know how it shoots;) By the way what size you got?
I was considering the century pacific as a contender with the other railguns(Ra,RABI.AIMRITE)but it's price is to much more than
the other guns. The other guns sell for around $ 260 US for 120cm
and the picasso for $322 for a 100cm .
At the freedivers expo in Hawaii, they were selling Rob Allen's for $175....
i just want to say that i want one and you all can feel free to send one my way, gun that is....
they were selling Rob Allen's for $175


Tell me where I can get a new 110cm RA for the $175. I am a buyer! :D
It was only for the freedive expo the day after Nationals & you can imagine how quickly they sold!
Did Anyone end up buying the Picasso Pacific? I saw one at Roger Yazbek's shop and wow.. they look nice. I was thinking of either that or a RA. Any insight? Cost doesn't matter and i'm too lazy to tie bands. Which would be more accurate? lol.
EEZerik said:
That's only because you bought them all :) :ko

Lol, I actually had enough self-control not to. It was difficult since they had the booth next to us & I could see all the pretty guns being sold.

After they sold out, I figured it was safe until someone returned one... I was about to buy it, but one of my friends "saved me" & bought it first. :D
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