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New Spearfishing Website

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Dec 12, 2005
I just wanted to introduce my newest website to the spearfishing community:

World Spearfishing Guide, is the first web directory solely devoted to spearfishing. There are many sites already listed in it, but if anyone notices anything I missed, please submit it. There is no cost for submitting sites to the directory, and I will be adding new spearfishing resources regularly.

The really neat part about the site is - the Spearfishing Classifieds, which are available in 15 different languages, and completely free to everyone. The great part about the classifieds, is that they are well optimized for search engines, meaning that they are visible not only through the site, but also through popular search engines like Yahoo! and Google.

As an example I put in a test ad for a “Wong Speargun” – within a week the ad was #4 on Google for that keyword phrase! It still is! (Although I removed the ad, so not for long). I can’t promise those results for every ad, but it proves that the ads do work well in the search engines.

Don't spend money on epay anymore!

The classifieds are a powerful advertising tool for merchants as well as the public. Online merchants can even link to their websites from the classifieds. All I ask is that if you are a commercial dealer; please do not flood the site with your items, pushing all others off of the “recent items lists.”

I hope you guys find the site useful! It is supported by some Google pay-per-click ads which I expect will barely cover the hosting costs in the first few years. If you want to help out the site please link to it!

Thanks for taking the time to look this over, now go shoot some fish!

Chris Hartwell, Webmaster
Thanks, I'll make sure your sites are included in the directory. I've been trying to gather all the spearfishing sites I can find on this thing. There's actually a lot more then I initially thought.

Now I'm also having to add descriptions for everything and that's taking some time too, but it's paying off. It's getting some decent traffic for a new site. I've designed a gazillion websites (it's what I do for a living), so it wasn't that hard to put together. The thing that helps the most is when other sites link to yours - thanks for the links.


gonetobaja said:
Great site!!

Im going to link up all of my sites to it.

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