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New Sporasub Instinct

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Dec 9, 2005
In the July issue of the French Apnéa Magazine, there is a review of the new Sporasub Instinct. It is a plastic fin, with the very popular footpocket redesigned (apparently successfully), but unfortunately at this fin the blade is moulded to the footpocket, so you cannot exchange the blades. I wonder if Sporasub will offer other fins with this footpocket and exchangeable blades.

sporasub1.jpg photo credit Apnéa Magazine © 2006

The review in the Apnéa Magazine was rather positive. They praised the lightness of kick in action, the ergonomics of the new footpocket, and the guidance. What they did not like was the fixed pocket/blade, and lapse of responsiveness in extreme situations.

sporasub2.jpg photo credit Apnéa Magazine © 2006
Is it just me or does the width of the footpocket taper heavily from the ankle opening to the toes? Maybe it's just the picture or maybe they mean to push all the toes together similar to climbing shoes. It would focus your strength but make them very uncomfortable to wear for long, like climbing shoes!
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